[英语论文大纲范文浅谈翻译中的几个常见问题]论文选题参考方向 1. 谈英语谚语的翻译 2. 谈英语幽默的翻译 3. 英语汉译技巧初探 4. 地方名胜古迹汉译英 5. 翻译中常见错误分析 6. 中英思维方式的差异对翻译的影响 7. 会...+阅读
(四号居中,Times New Roman,加粗)
1 Introduction 引言
2 Social Causes for the Prosperity of Puritanism in Early American Literature
2.1 The Immigrants' Religious Belief 移民者的宗教信仰
2.2 Historical Reason 历史原因
2.3 The Early American Literature Form 早期美国文学的组成
3 The Specific Influence of Puritanism on Early American Literature
3.1 Significant influence from The Great Bible 来自《圣经》的重要影响
3.2 Puritan Beliefs' Influence 清教徒信仰的影响
3.3 Formulating the Writing Skill of Symbolism 阐述象征主义的写作技巧
4 Conclusion 结论
References 参考文献
(小四号, Times New Roman)
A Study on the Financial Management System of Taihe Properties
Student: Lin Qian
(Financial Management Education Major, Business School of Sichuan Agricultural University, 611830)
Advisor: Li Meimei
(Management Department, Business School of Sichuan Agricultural University, 611830)
Abstract: A financial management system is a system set up for a company mainly to manage fund raising, fund application, capital assets, profit distribution, etc. Its main purpose is to maximize the value of a company. It is an essential management system that cannot be overlooked in a company as well as an important indicator of its management level.
Nanchong Taihe Properties Management Co., Ltd. is a small scale property management company. The overall quality of its financial management system affects not only the economic benefit of related small to medium enterprises, but also social benefits such as the development of certain regions or industries, the employment situation, etc. In this paper, we perform an analysis on the current situation of its financial management system, and give some suggestions on solving the existing problems.
Keywords: Taihe properties; financial management system; improvement measures
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