[编写c语言二维数组]一: #include <stdio.h> void main(){ int i,j; int a[5][3]; for(i=0;i<5;i++) for(j=0;j<3;j++){ scanf("%d",&a[i][j]); } for(i=0;i<5;i++){ for(j=0;j<3;j++){ printf("%d...+阅读
#include #include #define null 0#define ok 1#define error 0#define overflow -2#define max_num 10000#define max 60 typedef int status; typedef char **huffmancode; typedef struct{ unsigned int weight; unsigned int parent,lchild,rchild; }htnode,*huffmantree; typedef struct{ huffmantree ht; char *c; int longth; huffmancode hc; }huffman; void select(huffmantree ht,int end,int *s1,int *s2) { int i; int min1=max_num; int min2; for (i=1;i { if (ht[i].parent==0&ht[i].weight { *s1=i; min1=ht[i].weight; } } min2=max_num; for(i=1;i { if(ht[i].parent==0&(*s1!=i)&min2>ht[i].weight) { *s2=i; min2=ht[i].weight; } } } huffman huffmancoding(huffman hfm) { /*---------------------------------*/ int i,n,m,s1,s2,start; int c,f; char *cd; n=hfm.longth; if(n m=2*n-1; for(i=n+1;i { select(hfm.ht,i-1,&s1,&s2); hfm.ht[s1].parent=i; hfm.ht[s2].parent=i; hfm.ht[i].lchild=s1; hfm.ht[i].rchild=s2; hfm.ht[i].weight=hfm.ht[s1].weight+hfm.ht[s2].weight; } /*------------------------------------------*/ hfm.hc=(huffmancode)malloc((n+1)*sizeof(char *)); cd=(char *)malloc(n*sizeof(char)); cd[n-1]='\0'; for(i=1;i { start=n-1; for(c=i,f=hfm.ht[i].parent;f!=0;c=f,f=hfm.ht[f].parent) { if(c==hfm.ht[f].lchild) cd[--start]='0'; else cd[--start]='1'; } hfm.hc[i]=(char *)malloc((n-start)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(hfm.hc[i],&cd[start]); } free(cd); return hfm; } huffman inputhuffman(huffman hfm) { int i,n; clrscr(); printf("\n\n\t\t********************initial*********************\n"); printf("\tthe chars and weights will be saved in the file \"hfmtree\"\n"); printf("please input the number of the chars: "); scanf("%d",&n); hfm.ht=(huffmantree)malloc((2*n)*sizeof(htnode)); hfm.c=(char *)malloc((n+1)*sizeof(char)); for(i=1;i { printf("please input the char: "); scanf("%s",&hfm.c[i]); printf("please input the weight of the char: "); scanf("%d",&hfm.ht[i].weight); hfm.ht[i].parent=0; hfm.ht[i].lchild=0; hfm.ht[i].rchild=0; } for(;i { hfm.ht[i].weight=0; hfm.ht[i].parent=0; hfm.ht[i].lchild=0; hfm.ht[i].rchild=0; } hfm.longth=n; return hfm; } huffman inithuffman(huffman hfm) { int n,i; file *fp; fp=fopen("hfmtree","rt"); if(fp==null) { hfm=inputhuffman(hfm); fp=fopen("hfmtree","wt"); fprintf(fp,"%d\n",hfm.longth); for(i=1;i fprintf(fp,"%c %d",hfm.c[i],hfm.ht[i].weight); rewind(fp); } else { fscanf(fp,"%d\n",&n); hfm.c=(char *)malloc((n+1)*sizeof(char)); hfm.ht=(huffmantree)malloc((2*n)*sizeof(htnode)); for(i=1;i fscanf(fp,"%s %d",&hfm.c[i],&hfm.ht[i].weight); for(i=1;i { hfm.ht[i].parent=0; hfm.ht[i].lchild=0; hfm.ht[i].rchild=0; } for(;i { hfm.ht[i].weight=0; hfm.ht[i].parent=0; hfm.ht[i].lchild=0; hfm.ht[i].rchild=0; } hfm.longth=n; } fclose(fp); hfm=huffmancoding(hfm); return hfm; } void output(huffman hfm) { int i,n; n=hfm.longth; printf("\n\n******************output the code of the chars****************\n\n"); for(i=1;i { printf("\n"); printf("char: %c\t",hfm.c[i]); printf("weight: %d\t",hfm.ht[i].weight); printf("code: "); puts(hfm.hc[i]); } } void encoding(huffman hfm) { int i=0,j=0,n; char ch[max]; file *fp,*ffp; n=hfm.longth; printf("\n\n*******************encoding**************************\n\n"); if((ffp=fopen("tobetran","rt"))==null) { printf("\nplease input the sentence: "); scanf("%s",&ch); printf("\n"); fp=fopen("codefile","wt+"); } else { fscanf(ffp,"%s",ch); fclose(ffp); } while(ch[j]) { for(i=1;i if(ch[j]==hfm.c[i]) { printf("%s",hfm.hc[i]); fprintf(fp,"%s",hfm.hc[i]); break; } j++; } rewind(fp); fclose(fp); } void decoding(huffman hfm) { huffmantree p; int i,n; int j=0; char d[50]; file *fp; n=hfm.longth; printf("\n\n******************decoding************************\n\n"); if((fp=fopen("codefile","rt"))==null) { printf("please input the code:"); scanf("%s",&d); } else { fscanf(fp,"%s",d); fclose(fp); } printf("\nthe file is : "); fp=fopen("textfile","wt+"); while(d[j]) { p=&hfm.ht[2*n-1]; while(p->lchild||p->rchild) { if(d[j]=='0') { i=p->lchild; p=&hfm.ht[i]; } else { i=p->rchild; p=&hfm.ht[i]; } j++; } printf("%c",hfm.c[i]); fprintf(fp,"%c",hfm.c[i]); } fclose(fp); } huffman rebuildhuffman(huffman hfm) { int n,i; file *fp; fp=fopen("hfmtree","wt"); hfm=inputhuffman(hfm); fprintf(fp,"%d\n",hfm.longth); for(i=1;i fprintf(fp,"%c %d",hfm.c[i],hfm.ht[i].weight); rewind(fp); fclose(fp); hfm=huffmancoding(hfm); return hfm; } int main() { huffman hfm; char; hfm=inithuffman(hfm); while(choice!='q') { clrscr(); printf("\n\n\n\t\t*************************************\n\n"); printf("\t\t\ta. encoding:\n\n"); printf("\t\t\tb. decoding:\n\n"); printf("\t\t\tc. print all codes:\n\n"); printf("\t\t\td. rebuild the huffmantree:\n\n"); printf("\t\t\tq. quit...\n\n"); printf("\n\t\t************************************\n\n"); printf("please enter your choice: "); scanf("%s",&choice); switch(choice) { case 'a': clrscr(); encoding(hfm); printf("\n\n*******please enter anykey to continue*******\n"); getch(); break; case 'b': clrscr(); ...
/*文件名:exp7-6.cpp*/ #include
O: 3: 10
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编写一个C语言函数typedef unsigned char BYTE8; void setbit(BYTE8 bits[], int index) { int a = index>>3;/*计算字节数*/ int b = index&7;/*计算字节内的位数*/ BYTE8 mask=0x80;/*第一位是...
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