United States educational advantagesExcellent higher education environmentIn the best universities in the world, 70~80% is a United States University. This figure has fully reflected the United States the leading position in the field of education. United States University is an elite gathering place, be open-minded community and social development engine and catalyst for economic development. United States rely on the most advantageous environment for higher education in the world, attracting talent from around the world to the United States to study and work. Microsoft, Apple and other United States in high-tech enterprises, talents from different countries, most of these elite abroad are excellent educational environment to attract the United States to their United States technological and industrial development to provide a solid talent base.Contribution of private universitiesUnited States higher education thanks to the success of United States private university system's flexibility and efficiency. United States private universities increase private donations Fund support, and has a guiding principle for running a school independently and features of their own. In such institutions, leadership teams are usually made up of experienced educators, have excellent ideas and flexible decision-making mechanism. All that would allow private universities to become United States form the core of higher education.Excellent teaching conditionsUnited States most colleges and uni versities have excellent teaching conditions, brings together numerous outstanding masters. This is largely because, United States the importance attached to education is very high, a professor in the United States is a dream job, income and social status are very high. At the same time, United States educational institutions also impose rigorous teacher evaluation system, objective appraisal of teachers ' qualification by peers. At United States colleges and universities, gain a tenured professorship is a very difficult thing, must be strictly of a peer-review. In addition, the United States colleges and universities stress on education and basic research in the management focus, not to encourage entrepreneurship, business, affecting the quality of teaching.Flexible teaching methodsUnited States teaching methods are also very flexible and straightforward communication of teachers and students to exchange ideas, to learn. Whether it is primary, secondary or University, United States teach
国教育制度和大多数其它国家教育制度的一个主要不同点,是美国的教育为社会上每一个人而办,不是专为少数人而设。用税款兴办的免费教育,除了设立一般学校的科目如数学、历史、语文外,还有缝纫、打字、无线电与汽车修理等科目。学生可依自己的兴趣、个人未来的计划和才能,从许多科目中自行选修。美国教育的主要目的,在于发展每个孩子的才能,不管它高或低到什么程度,同时给每个孩子灌输公民意识。 美国的教育制度,整体上可分为四个阶段,那就是:(i)学前教育 (pre-school education);(ii)初等教育(elementary education);(iii)中等教育(secondary education);(iv)高等教育(higher education) 。从学前教育、初等教育到中等教育,都是属于大学前(pre-college)的教育,包括保育学校 (nursery school)及幼儿园(kindergarden)、小学、初中 (junior high school)及高中(high school)。 美国法律规定,任何学龄儿童均应进入学校就读,并提供义务(免费)的中小学教育,当然进入私立学校就读的话,便要缴付相当昂贵的学费。有些公立中学,也录取外国学生就读,并会发给留学生签证,但这些外国留学生,却要缴交学费,情况与其它进入私立中学的学生大致相同。至于小学与中学的学制,在配合上也有几个不同的形式,因每州、每个城市或乡镇的不同情况而有异(例如有些是六年小学及六年中学制,亦有些是学分为二或三年制的初中及四年制的高中等等形式),但无论何,原则上在学童十八岁时,应该念完中等教育。由于美国的养务教育普及,大约有 93%的适龄儿童接受中等教育,而70% 可完成学业,其中大部分再进入大学或专上学院继续升学,开始他们的高等(专上)教育。 美国高等教育对'专才'的培训,主要是在研究院与高等专科学院的教育及训练上。而也是在这个层次上每年吸引了千万以上的留学生到美国接受高深的训练,其中不乏从中国大陆、香港、台湾三地而来的华人学生。事实上,中国学生留学美国的热潮,从二十世纪初叶以来,即从来没有间断过。 1. 研究院及高等专科学院开设的课程及学科,种类繁多,从核子工程到中国文学,从商业行政到法学与医学,林林总总,不一而足。念完研究院课程的学生,经校方核定,会颁发以下的学位: ( 一) 硕士学位(Master' Degree ):视乎学科的性质来决定是文科硕士(M.A.)或理科硕士(M.S.) ,通常需时两年的时间;亦有一些学校设有公共行政学硕士(Master of Public Administration)、法学硕士 (Master of Law)、神学硕士(Master of Divinity)等学位课程。通常学生需要通过G.R.E.考试(Graduate Record Examination)才会被录取。
(二) 工商管理学硕士 (M.B.A. 即 Master of Business Administration):由于近年的工商发展迅速,对工商管理人材的需求殷切,为配合市场的需要,攻读 M.B.A.学位的人士日渐增多甚至留学生念这课程的人数也急速上升,以满足中国大陆、香港、台湾三地市场经济发展上的需要。 而M.B.A.的课程又可再区分为会计、管理、市场学等专业,但通常入学的条件之一,是要学生通过 GMAT(Gradu-ate Management Admission Test),成绩优良,才会录取。考试内容分为英语能力(verbal ability)及数学思考力( mathe-matical ability)。留学生当然还要通过托福(TOEFL)英文考试才会被考虑。
(三) 博士学位(Doctoral Degree):博士学位课程通常是需要先修毕硕士课程,但亦有例外。最普遍的博士学位就是哲学博士(Ph. D., 即 Doctor in Philosophy),但绝大部分的文、理科博士大都是授予Ph. D. 学位,而不单限于哲学这个学科。通常博士学位课程需要三年或以上的时间,理科时间较短,文科时间大多较长。至于念教育学科的,博士学位则称为Ed. D. (Doctor in Education)。博士学位是美国高等教育制度下的最高学位。 ( 四) 法学博士(J.D.)与医学博士( M.D.):这是美国社会的律师与医生必须具备的专业学位。由于这两个行业的执业者社会地位很受人尊敬,也造成了不 少大学毕业生申请就读,以致入学录取的机会相当果难,但学生毕业后可以学以致用,直接地为社会服务,这也是高等教育主要的目的之一,即培养为社会服务的人材。 2. 美国大学的类别 美国的高等教育,在世界上一直领先,而大学教育的普及,亦是鲜有其它国家可与相比。 相据权威性的(高等教育纪事)(The Chronicle of Higher Education )的Almanac Issue(1995年9月1日出版)的统计资料显示,全美国的各类大学已达3632所。而就读的大学本科生(undergraduate)人数高达一千二百多万人, 研究院学生人数亦几达一百七十万,加上专科(例如医学院及法律学院)的三十万学生,可以证明及看到美国高等教育的普及。 在这三千六百多所大学之中,它们之间如何分类?分别在甚么地方?重要性如何?
(一) 初级(或社区)学院(Junior or Community College) 全美国现有公立和私立的初级学院(亦有人称之为社区大学或短期大学)共1422所。在二年制的学院就读,学生毕业后可得副学士(Associate' Degree)学位,再可转学到四年制的大...
美国的capstone course是什么意思什么课
1. 为学生提供整合已学习到的知识,并掌握技能和职业态度的机会;
2. 为学生进入真正的职场做准备,即通过要求学生完成一些应用性的项目,如:短期实习、无偿服务等,为学生提供参与“实战演练”的机会,让学生把此前所学知识和技能应用于解决实际问题,为学生进入职业社会做好铺垫。
What is a federal student loan? A federal student loan allows students and their parents to borrow money to help pay for college through loan programs supported by the federal government. They usually have low interest rates and offer attractive repayment terms, benefits and options. Generally, repayment of a federal loan does not begin until after the student leaves school. Federal student loans can be used to pay school expenses such as tuition and fees, room and board, books, supplies and transportation. Federal student loans are delivered to students through two programs: the Direct Loan Program and the Federal Family Education Loan Program. Both programs offer essentially the same type of loans with similar loan terms and borrower benefits. Your school chooses the loan program in which it will participate. In both programs, loan funds are provided to you through your school. What is a private student loan? A private student loan is a nonfederal loan issued by a lender such as a bank or credit union. Private student loans often have variable interest rates, require a credit check and do not provide the benefits of federal student loans. Why are federal student loans a better option for paying for college? Federal student loans offer borrowers many benefits not typically found in private loans. These include low fixed interest rates, income-based repayment plans, loan forgiveness and deferment options, including deferment of loan payments when a student returns to school. For these reasons, students and parents should always exhaust federal student loan options before considering a private loan. How do I get a federal student loan? To get a federal student loan, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The easiest way to complete the FAFSA is online at .fafsa.ed.gov. Here, you identify schools that you are interested in attending. When your FAFSA is processed, the schools you have identified will receive your information. The school will then tell you how much financial aid is available, including grants, scholarships, work opportunities and federal student loans. Should you choose a federal student loan, your school will provide you with instructions on next steps, including how to select a lender. How much money can I borrow in federal student loans? Undergraduate student loan limits range from $3,500 to $10,500 per year depending on certain factors, including the student's year in college. Graduate students can borrow up to $20,500 each year. Parents can also get federal student loans to help pay the remainder of college costs that are not covered by their children's other financial aid. These are called PLUS loans. In addition, graduate students may obtain PLUS loans to help pay for their own education. Why should I complete a FAFSA when the private loan applicatio
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