

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何用c语言编写一个n阶方阵求逆的程序]Rational ** Matrix1::inverse_matrix(Rational ** sourceMatrix,int numberOfRows, int numberOfColumns) { determinant temp1; Rational temp = temp1.result(sourceMatr...+阅读

//C语言实例:推箱子小游戏#include#include#include#include//行和列 #define ROW 10 #define COL 11 /* run this program using the console pauser or add your own getch, system("pause") or input loop */ /** ** */ //地图 char map[ROW][COL] = { "##########",//0 "### ##",//1 "### ##",//2 "##AX # ##",//3 "### ## ",//4 "##### #",//5 "## #",//6 "# ####",//7 "### ",//8 "##########" //9 //A:人 , X:箱子 } ; //打印地图 void showMap(); //接收小人的方向 char enterDirection(); //小人向上移动的方法 void moveToUp(); //小人向下移动的方法 void moveToDown(); //小人向右移动的方法 void moveToRight(); //小人向左移动的方法 void moveToLeft(); //当前小人的坐标 int currentPersonRow = 3; int currentPersonCol = 2; //当前箱子的坐标 int currentBoxRow = 3; int currentBoxCol = 3; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { //system("clear"); printf("点击回车键开始游戏 ^_^\n\n"); //1代表运行 0停止 int flag = 1; while(flag==1){ //显示地图 showMap(); //接收小人的方向 char dir = enterDirection(); switch(dir){ //小人向上移动 case 'w': case 'W': moveToUp(); break; //小人向下移动 case 's': case 'S': moveToDown(); break; //小人向右移动 case 'd': case 'D': moveToRight(); break; //小人向左移动 case 'a': case 'A': moveToLeft(); break; //停止运行 case 'q': case 'Q': printf("你的智商真低!T_T\n"); flag = 0; break; } showMap(); if(currentBoxRow==8¤tBoxCol==9){ printf("你的智商真高^_^!!!"); flag = 0; } } } /* 方法的实现 */ //打印地图 void showMap(){ int i; for(i = 0;i

Q:退出"); printf("\n\n\n\n\n"); } //接收小人的方向 char enterDirection(){ //清除SCANF中的缓冲区 rewind(stdin); char dir; dir = getch(); //scanf("%c",&dir); return dir; } //小人向上移动的方法 void moveToUp(){ //小人的下一个坐标 int nextPersonCol = currentPersonCol; int nextPersonRow = currentPersonRow - 1; //箱子的下一个坐标 int nextBoxRow = currentBoxRow - 1; int nextBoxCol = currentBoxCol; //如果小人的下一个坐标是路 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]==' '){ map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol] = 'A'; map[currentPersonRow][currentPersonCol] = ' '; currentPersonRow = nextPersonRow; currentPersonCol = nextPersonCol; } //如果小人的下一个坐标是墙 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]=='#'){ //什么也不做 } //如果小人的下一个坐标是箱子 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]=='X'){ if(map[nextBoxRow][nextBoxCol] == ' '){ map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol] = 'A'; map[currentPersonRow][currentPersonCol] = ' '; map[nextBoxRow][nextBoxCol] = 'X'; map[currentBoxRow][currentBoxCol] = 'A'; currentPersonRow = nextPersonRow; currentPersonCol = nextPersonCol; currentBoxRow = nextBoxRow; currentBoxCol = nextBoxCol; } } } //小人向下移动的方法 void moveToDown(){ //小人的下一个坐标 int nextPersonCol = currentPersonCol; int nextPersonRow = currentPersonRow + 1; //箱子的下一个坐标 int nextBoxRow = currentBoxRow + 1; int nextBoxCol = currentBoxCol; //如果小人的下一个坐标是路 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]==' '){ map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol] = 'A'; map[currentPersonRow][currentPersonCol] = ' '; currentPersonRow = nextPersonRow; currentPersonCol = nextPersonCol; } //如果小人的下一个坐标是墙 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]=='#'){ //什么也不做 } //如果小人的下一个坐标是箱子 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]=='X'){ if(map[nextBoxRow][nextBoxCol] == ' '){ map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol] = 'A'; map[currentPersonRow][currentPersonCol] = ' '; map[nextBoxRow][nextBoxCol] = 'X'; map[currentBoxRow][currentBoxCol] = 'A'; currentPersonRow = nextPersonRow; currentPersonCol = nextPersonCol; currentBoxRow = nextBoxRow; currentBoxCol = nextBoxCol; } } } //小人向右移动的方法 void moveToRight(){ //小人的下一个坐标 int nextPersonCol = currentPersonCol + 1; int nextPersonRow = currentPersonRow; //箱子的下一个坐标 int nextBoxRow = currentBoxRow; int nextBoxCol = currentBoxCol + 1; //如果小人的下一个坐标是路 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]==' '){ map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol] = 'A'; map[currentPersonRow][currentPersonCol] = ' '; currentPersonRow = nextPersonRow; currentPersonCol = nextPersonCol; } //如果小人的下一个坐标是墙 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]=='#'){ //什么也不做 } //如果小人的下一个坐标是箱子 if(map[nextPersonRow][nextPersonCol]=='X'){ if(map[nextBoxRow][nextBoxCol]==' '){ map[...


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