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1、Chang H H, Wang Y H, Yang W Y. The impact of e-service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty on e-marketing: Moderating effect of perceived value[J]. Total Quality Management, 2009, 20

(4): 423-443.

2、Sheth J N, Sharma A. International e-marketing: opportunities and issues[J]. International Marketing Review, 2005, 22

(6): 611-622.

3、Coviello N E, Brodie R J, Brookes R W, et al. Assessing the role of e-marketing in contemporary marketing practice[J]. Journal of Marketing Management, 2003, 19(7-8): 857-881.

4、Braun P. Networking tourism SMEs: e-commerce and e-marketing issues in regional Australia[J]. Information Technology & Tourism, 2002, 5

(1): 13-23.

5、Adam S, Mulye R, Deans K R, et al. E-marketing in perspective: a three country comparison of business use of the Internet[J]. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 2002, 20

(4): 243-251.

6、Gilmore A, Gallagher D, Henry S. E-marketing and SMEs: operational lessons for the future[J]. European Business Review, 2007, 19

(3): 234-247.

7、Sigala M. Modelling e-marketing strategies: Internet presence and exploitation of Greek Hotels[J]. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 2001, 11(2/3): 83-104.

8、Harrison-Walker L J. If you build it, will they come? Barriers to international e-marketing[J]. Journal of Marketing Theory and practice, 2002: 12-21.

9、Krishnamurthy S, Singh N. The international e-marketing framework (IEMF) Identifying the building blocks for future global e-marketing research[J]. International Marketing Review, 2005, 22

(6): 605-610.

10、Yan R. Cooperative advertising, pricing strategy and firm performance in the e-marketing age[J]. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2010, 38

(4): 510-519.

11、Krishnamurthy S. Introducing E-MARKPLAN: A practical methodology to plan e-marketing activities[J]. Business Horizons, 2006, 49

(1): 51-60.


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