

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我爱你各国语言翻译中文]我爱你: 1法语:jet`aimepriscilla 2德语:ichliebedichpriscilla 3瑞士语:ichlidich 4希腊语:s`agapo 5犹太语:aniohevotach 6匈牙利语:szertlek 7爱尔兰语:taimi`ngraleat 8爱沙尼亚...+阅读

Content abstract: along with the rapid development of the financial market, across the financial industry innovation products constantly emerging, traditional financial field and financial products boundaries is fuzzy. At the same time, cross-border financial group constantly emerging and development, financial market trend of global integration has also become clear. In this situation, countries financial regulatory structure to be change accordingly, tries to resource integration, institutions adjustment, and the regulation as well as the reform of the model of the development of the market need to conform to, to ensure the stability of the financial market operation and healthy development. Therefore, our country in-depth analysis of the financial supervision, advantages and disadvantages and to the development of the financial globalization it, and integration of regulation encountered in the process of all kinds of problems, for financial regulatory system reform in our country in the future to provide the beneficial reference.


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