

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com


There are many ways to improve our English reading abilities. The most common way is to read extensively. We can grab as many great books as we want out of the libraries. A lot of the people can read the books, but not all of them can get all of the important stuffs out of the books in a short period of time. When we read book, it's very essential for us to read the overview first because we can get a feeling what this book is about through this way. After skimming though the overview section, we can start to read the novel. We should highlight the phrases and imagine the vivid picture in our heads to get a better understanding of the context. We can improve our English reading ability by reading magazines and newspapers. We shouln't apply our method of reading books to read these because these are short and clear. We always read the title of the articles first, and then skim through the body of the articles. If I find some articles interesting, I would go back and read them in details. If I am not interested in the contents, I wouldn't waste my time reading those articles. We can also improve our English reading ability by writing essays and professional emails. Some people might think that writing essays has nothing to do with our English reading ability and this is not true. The truth is that the skills of writing essays are derived from our English reading ability. If you don't read well, you can't write well. We read to expand our vocabulary words, improve our critical reading skills, and dig deeper into the English language. If we don't own these skills beforehand, it's very hard for us to write a great essay. In the real life, we apply the knowledge we gained to real world. It's the same in here, which is that we apply the skills we devoloped from reading to essays' world. If you cannot write efficiently, that means you don't truely get the tips of reading. Learning English is very prevalent nowadays. Improving our English reading abilities can really make us stand out from the crowds. There is tons of ways to improve our English reading abilities, but there is only one way that works for you really well.



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