

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[初中英语听课评语]英语听课评语: 请坐,请读,请,请字拉近了师生的互敬情谊,道出了教师关爱学生之心声,再现了和谐的课堂,忠诚党的教育事业,热爱学生是教师本能的素质。 X老师的课注重培养学生的自主学...+阅读

教案:lesson 8 My Family Tree教学设计:本课是English This Way 9 ( 新路径一起九册)五年级上第三单元第二课内容。本单元谈论的是family话题。在第七课谈论了my home ,my bedroom,涉及到了卧室家具用品等单词和方位介词in、on、 under、 next to等,操练了Is this\that 及There be句型。本课在第七课的基础上进一步谈论家庭成员,操练Who is 句型,涉及到next to、 beside、 in front of 、in the middle、 in +颜色的用法。

一、教学目标知识目标:熟练掌握本课表示家庭成员的相关单词,能正确使用句型Who is the man\woman +介词短语;He\She is …;They are …,发音正确,语调自然。能力目标:会用英语介绍家庭成员情感目标:让每个学生热爱自己的家庭课 时:第一课时

二、教学过程:Step1 GreetingsStep 2 Review : bedroom、 TV、 bed 、desk 、clock、 lamp、 chair 、bookshelf及in、on、 under、 next to等 T Show a picrure of a bedroom, and describe: T: This is my bedroom. S: There is … .S: There is … .S: There is … .S: There is … .S: There is … .S: There is … .Step 3 Presentation T show the picture of Ting Ting's family

1、T: This is Ting Ting. Who's the girl? SS: She is Ting Ting.T: This is her father. Who's the man? SS: He is her father.T: This is her father uncle. Who's the man? SS: He is her uncle. T: This is her grandfather. Who's the man? SS: He is her grandfather. T: This is her grandfather. Who's the woman? SS: She is her grandmother. T: This is her mother. Who's the woman? SS: She is her mother. T: This is her aunt. Who's the woman? SS: She is her aunt. T: This is her brother. And this is her sister. Who are they? SS: They are her brother and sister.

2、Ask and answer T:Is this her father? Ss:No T:Is that her mother? Ss:No T:Who's the man? Ss:He 's her grandfather. T:Who's the woman? Ss: She' s her grandmother.

3、T:Who's the man next to her grandmother? Ss: She' s her grandfather. T:Who's the man beside her grandmother? Ss: She' s her grandfather. Drills: Who's the man beside ?

4、T:Who's the man in frontof her grandmother? Ss: She' s her father. Drills: Use:Who's the man in front of ?

5、T:Who's the man in the middle? Ss: She' s her uncler. Drills: Who's the man in the middle?

6、T:Who's the woman in yellow? Ss: She's her aunt. Drills: Use:Who's the man in …? Who's the woman in …? Who's the boy in …? Who's the girl in …?Step 5 Listen to the tape and read the text..Step 6 Use the family tree introduce their family members.Step 7 Homework ①Listen to the tape. ②make a family tree.---- Who's theman \woman ? He\She is her grandmother.




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