[母亲节祝福短信往事成了一首悠远的歌]·母亲呵!你是荷叶,我是红莲,心中的雨点来了,除了你,谁是我天空下的荫蔽? ·人类一切美好的东西都来自太阳之光。没有太阳,花儿就不能开放;没有爱情,就没有幸福;没有女性,...+阅读
Hilary Duff 《last christmas》
CHORUS: Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year To save me from tears I'll give it to someone special Once bitten and twice shy I keep my distance But you still catch my eye Tell me baby Do you recognize me? Well It's been a year It doesn't surprise me I wrapped it up and sent it With a note saying "I love you" I meant it Now I know what a fool I've been But if you kissed me now I know you'd fool me again CHORUS A crowded room Friends with tired eyes I'm hiding from you And your soul of ice O my I thought you were Someone to rely on Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on A friend to discover with a fire in her heart A girl under cover but you tore me apart Now I've found a real love you'll never fool me again CHORUS x2 A friend to discover with a fire in her heart A girl under cover but you tore him apart Maybe next year I'll give it to someone I'll give it to someone special. (return to top)
父亲节祝福语大全父亲是一首温馨的歌谣有阳光普照的地方就有我的祝福,有月亮照耀的地方就有我的思念,当流星划过的刹那我许了个愿:希望正在看短信息的你一生幸福快乐,祝父亲节开心! 父亲是一泓美丽的清泉,让生活洒满恬...
一首关于中秋节的现代诗原创《人间天上》 秋风送爽,夜儿微凉 运河桥上,淡看长风逐浪 秀水倾天,一袭明月轻摇晃 江南夜光,玉宇琼楼尽辉煌 两岸固立,火树银花两相望 咫尺近在,各担风雨各逢霜 秋有几何,一壮杨柳...
有一首歌的歌词是什么下着相同的大雨回忆里照片里什么的结局[夜声带走最后一个我] 词/曲/唱:渔圈 旁白词:施洛晨 出品:KingStar 打开了抽屉翻出斑驳旧相机 镜头里 照片里 也只能是过去 拉开了窗帘下着相同的大雨 (曾想让我的爱情像阳光一...
谁能给我一首一年级关于国庆朗诵诗【祖国啊, 我亲爱的祖国】 舒婷 我是你河边上破旧的老水车 数百年来纺着疲惫的歌 我是你额上熏黑的矿灯 照你在历史的隧洞里蜗行摸索 我是干瘪的稻穗;是失修的路基 是淤滩上的...