

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[WOW万圣节 LM旅馆路线]炉石绑暴风。暴风出发,闪金,西部荒野,暮色森林,北荆棘谷,南荆棘谷,诅咒之地,悲伤沼泽,赤脊山,燃烧平原,灼热峡谷,荒芜之地,洛克莫丹,铁炉堡,湿地,阿拉希,辛特兰,东瘟疫,西瘟疫,奥特兰克山脉,希尔...+阅读

那你来看看这首trick or treat


The Pumpkin Man

John McCutcheon

There's something in my garden

So big and orange and round

It started just a little seed

When I stuck it in the ground

But now it doesn't look at all

Like what it did last spring

Hey, won't somebody tell me

What the heck you call this thing?


Oh, the pumpkin man

With a big, round head

Smile so bright

And eyes so red

I with jack-o-lanterns hung from the sky

And the seas were made of pumpkin pie

My mommy and my daddy

My dog and my pal, John

Ran out to the garden

To see what was going on

My mommy said, "It's squash, my son"

My daddy called it spice

John just laughed and my dog just barked

and jumped up once or twice


Then John said, "Ain't you never seen

"A pumpkin plant before?

"Why, you carve 'em up for Halloween

"And you stick 'em right by your door

"With two big eyes and a funny nose

"And a toothy smile below

"Then you stick a candle in its head

"To make the whole thing glow."


So now I grow up pumpkins

For my neighbors all around

But still I just don't understand

How they get so big and round

My mommy says, "It's nature"

My dad says, "A miracle"

John just laughs and my dog just barks

And I like that best of all.



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