[是一次难忘的成功失败的经历的作文]常言道:“有耕耘,就会有收获。”我们会收获果实,收获喜悦,收获自信......我自豪地告诉大家:“我收获了成功。” 在一个炎热的夏天,妈妈给我买了一双崭新的旱冰鞋。当时,我高兴地一...+阅读
成功是努力的结晶,但当我们站在成功的领奖台上回首这条努力的路时,不得不说一声:“失败,谢谢你!” 在失败中,我们汲取了经验。一个人的一生,免不了坎坷辛苦。但他是怎样卖过来的呢?是用经验,用过去积累的经验,用拿失败换取的经验。有了经验,至少在下一次失败中不在茫茫然了。当然,这个人首先要学会怎样“汲取经验”。
你能做到,成功便不远了。 胜者为王,败者为寇。我并不否认这个说法。但如果败能让“寇”奋发图强,“败”又何尝不是一件好事呢?在失败下,我们不服用努力证明自己,从而成功。相反,“胜”更容易让“王”骄傲。不过,要想超过胜者,你首先得有一颗不服的心。 在成功面前,失败的次数不定。可能是一次两次,也可能是几十次,甚至成百上千次。
谁都不知道下一次成败与否。这样说来,失败难道不是个磨练意志的机会吗?倒了,站起来;再倒,再站起来……在不断的跌倒站起中,我们渐渐具备了毅力,谁能说有毅力是坏事? 这一次的失败为的是下一次的成功! 回首这条艰难的路,真的,失败,谢谢你! Success is the effort, but when we stand on the podium on the success of the hard way back when, had to say:"failure, thank you!" In the defeat, we learn the experience. A person's life, avoid rough. But he is how to sell it? With experience, withthe past experience, for with the experience of failure. With experience, at least in the next failure is not in thesea. Of course, the first people to learn how to learn "". Take me not in the ordinary things to say: when doing math problems, this time stumped, understand, next time, don't it? This is because we get experience from "whichfailed stumped", also is the problem solving. Besides life -- cooking, this time more salt, salty, next add less salt; alittle, pale, next time you put something. Only to fail in the attempt -- constantly, try -- to fail again...... , gain experience, thus successfully, burning a good food. Failure, also can make us a lesson. He said a little thing I experienced. The fourth grade last semester, because I wanted to have fun, grades slipped, the final exam is not ideal. I've learned -- not fun! Then, we follow the lessonto, and get a satisfactory result. You can say that my success is not attributed to the "failure"? Failure, is not difficult, however, to learn and follow it in the defeat, not against it, is not easy. You can do it, success is not far away. Winner, is the loser. I do not deny this claim. But if the failure to make efforts "Kou", "failure" is not a good thing?In the failure, we don't take to prove themselves, thus successfully. On the contrary, "wins" make it easier for the"King". However, to be more than a winner, you must first have a disaffected heart. In the face of success, failure of an indefinite number of times. Could be a two time, may also be dozens, even hundreds of times. Who do not know the next success. Thus, failure is not an hone opportunity? Down, stand upand down, stand up again...... In the continuous falling up, we gradually have the perseverance, who can say thatperseverance is a bad thing? This time the failure is a success! Looking back on the hard way, really, failure, thank you!
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