[一篇小学6年级作文关于导游词的]游 苏 州 厌倦了城市的喧闹与繁杂,所以向往一个单纯、美丽的地方。 苏州的水乡,是一个秀丽的地方。 俗话说,上有天堂,下有苏杭。世人把苏州的美比做天堂。由此可见,苏州搏得了多...+阅读
A special Christmas Party
It is hardly make me forget the Christmas Party that I spent a whole night whih my friends.
This Christmas,I invited some frineds to my home to celebrate.we made the house up ,like a magic world. to be honest ,i haven't got any experience like that.we got togather,song and danced. one of my frineds was dressed like Santa----the father of christmas.He collected all the presents of us.put them into a bag ,then let us chose one of them.so we can get all the best wishes from all of us.
we talkde so much what about our friendship and other interesting things. all of us thought that night
was very pricesuress
小学四年级写一篇动物的作文我家里有一条小狗。它长着一双圆溜溜的眼睛,两瓣嘴,和一个灵活的小鼻子。它的毛色雪白,尤其是腹部,就像小狗床上了一件雪白的衣裳。我十分喜欢它。 它走起路来昂首挺胸,还踏步,真...
写一篇观察动物的作文小学三年级的坚强的蚂蚁夜深了,月光透进了窗扉,撒了一地。我独自坐在书桌前,任凭眼泪“叭嗒,叭嗒”地打湿那份分数少得可怜的试卷。 这次期末考试,我又是远远没有达到预想的结果。我委屈,为什...
写一篇关于新年的英语作文小学生关于新年的英语作文范文 The spring festival is the tradition festival in China.It is the same as the christmas day in the west country,it is welcome the new year...
大家帮我写一篇6级的英语作文It is often debated that whether a name is important or not. Some persons consider that they have a good name and their name are very important for the followin...
写一篇描写动物的英语作文小学the rabbit was covered with furry white hair look like a regiment, cotton. it's a pair of red eyes were white hair covered, embedded in the eye socket, like the...
写一篇小学三年级作文春天在哪里呀,春天在哪里,当每次听到这熟悉的歌曲,我就忍不住问:“春天在哪里呀?”妈妈便说:“春天在哪,你得自己去寻找喽!”于是,我便去找春天。 冰雪融化了,溪水流动了,小鱼吐着泡泡,...
写一篇小学四年级水平的英语作文My Family I have a happy family. In my family,there are father,mother,sister and i. My father is a doctor, and he is very busy. My mother is a teacher,my sister...
小学三年级勇敢的我写一篇作文这个星期六,我和妈妈一起去了健美中心游泳,因为我不是很会游,所以到哪里多加练习。 回到家不一会儿,我冲了一把澡,然后躺在床上看电视,突然间,我感觉腿上一阵狂痒,我像孙悟空一样用...
请帮我写一篇小学六年级的作文一棵树的述说 青山绿水,蓝天白云,鸟儿翱翔于天宇,鱼儿潜游于水底,蜜蜂忙着在花丛中猜谜,蚂蚁成群结队地把过冬的粮食搬回家…… 曾经我生活在这样的环境中,而如今却只能在梦中见到...