
resit temptation英语作文谁帮我找一下感激不尽

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

你可以节选一下 How to Resist Temptation Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, and Jesus responded by quoting scripture (Matthew 4). However, as you have probably noticed, just quoting scripture does not make temptation go away, and it does not guarantee that we will resist it. After all, even Satan can quote scripture. I would like to recommend some additional strategies in our struggle against sin. Stay out of trouble First, stay away from sin. Don't go looking for Satan just to show that you can withstand his wiles. We aren't supposed to go looking for trouble, jumping off of spiritual cliffs and expecting angels to rescue us. What I recommend is the opposite: Draw boundaries for yourself that keep you away from the danger. By boundaries, I do not mean that you see how close you can get to sin without actually going over the line. That is stupid, for the simple reason that our strength of resistance varies from time to time. A boundary that may be safe for us one day may be hazardous to us the next, depending on our emotional state. So a boundary, if it's going to work, has to be set for our weakest moment, not our strongest. God doesn't tell us where to put our boundaries, and we all may need slightly different levels of strictness with ourselves. For example, a photo that is sexually suggestive for one person may not even catch the eye of another. Consequently, people have differing ideas of what sort of pictures to avoid. People with a high tolerance should not look down on those with low tolerance—everyone must judge the risk for themselves. A person with high tolerance should not “push” the boundaries of the other, saying it's OK, for that might cause the person to sin. The person with high tolerance should also remember that it is dangerous to overestimate one's strength. Many aspects of society are designed to tempt, so don't forget that you are human. Many of us struggle with temptation in the form of calories. Here, we can break our boundaries every now and then and still recover. Many people have trouble with alcohol, and experience has shown that the safest boundary for most is “absolutely none.” The potential danger is high; the benefits are low; it is simply not worth the risk. Sexual temptations can also be dangerous, because the consequences of sexual sins are severe. We can't just “recover” a relationship shattered by infidelity. Here, we must set boundaries well away from the danger zone, just to make sure that nothing happens even in our weakest moments. For example, our pastors have been given a boundary: They cannot counsel a woman alone. Although the chances of improprieties may be slim, the devastating consequences make the risk too great to allow private counseling. And for similar reasons, youth ministry workers are not to be alone with a child. Safety is too important to leave to good intentions and assumptions. Avoiding danger Boundaries are required for pastors; they are also good advice for members. For example, it is dangerous for unmarried couples to be together in private in a bedroom. It may not be a sin, but it is not wise. Most of the time it may be “safe” (although it isn't a very good example). But no one knows in advance when a time of weakness will strike. The danger is too great to take an unnecessary chance. One of our members gave me this example from his experience in construction: When working on a platform three feet off the ground, safety belts were not needed. When working on a platform 30 feet high (even though the chances of falling off were theoretically the same), safety belts were required; all workers had to be attached by rope to something secure. When working on a large flat roof, safety ropes were not required unless the worker was within 12 feet of the edge. In other words, the requirements were adjusted according to risk and the seriousness of the consequences. The safety rules were particularly interesting for working on a large domed roof. At the top of the roof, where the surface is nearly level, the chances of falling down are practically nil, and the chances of injury are low. One could even go 20 feet out from the center, and the slope would still be quite gentle; even if somebody tripped and fell there would be no danger. However, one could go about halfway out and still stand up, but there, the roof has a steep slope and a small stumble might cause a person to fall off the building and die. But there was no identifiable point where danger started. Consequently, workers had to be safety-roped no matter where they were on the roof. No specific “edge” made the dome dangerous, because...
