[高中英文导游词作文一百词左右]Ladies and Gentlemen: I am pleased to serve as your guide today. This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most w...+阅读
Ancient Chinese Scholartree,
Also called Hongdong Grand Scholartree, it stands in Guhuai (Ancient Schol- Park. Legend has it that the Chinese scholartree was planted in the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220 AD), later died. Then anew one was planted. Now the scholartree, 13 meters tall, still flourishes.
The big ancient Chinese scholartree in Hongdong County of Shanxi , which is also a sacred place for people from central plains of China to seek their roots and worship their ancestors because it once was a famous immigration site in the Ming Dynasty , the common saying“If you ask where my ancestors are , the big Chinese scholar tree in Hongdong County , Shanxi Province gives full proof ”7a686964616fe4b893e5b19e31333239303831can be used as an evidence of immigration history .
公园秋游的英文导游词winter has yet to come,and the fall is very attractive. can you feel the sign when the leaves falling off the trees? can you see touch the loneliness when the a...
求一些中国优秀旅游城市的英文导游词介绍故宫的。 The tour will take 4-6 hours. The route is as follows: Out side the East Gate-side the East Gate –in front of the Hall of benevolence and Longevit...
春夏秋冬的槐树作文500字我们学校的北面种着一棵挺拔的老槐树. 春天,老槐树长出椭圆形的叶子,叶边有许多小齿,不仔细是看不到的.下雨了,你看老槐树正在贪婪地吮吸着春天的甘露,同时发出“沙沙”的声音,好...
写校园一角的老槐树作文校园一角 我们的校园非常美丽,有现代化的科技楼,有宽敞明亮的教学楼,还有供同学们锻炼身体的大操场……但最让人看不够的就是那些点缀校园的花草树木。 春天来了,吹面不寒的杨柳...
春天的槐树作文800字姥姥家的院子有一棵高大无比的洋槐树,春天一到,洋槐树就开花了,那白白的花儿,像一簇簇爆米花,像一团团棉花糖,还像一片片雪花。 粗壮的树枝上,那一簇簇像雪似的花儿,飘了下来,好像在...
洪桐大槐树作文250个字前几天,爸爸妈妈带我来到洪洞,游览了大槐树寻根祭祖园。妈妈告诉我这里是明代迁民的遗址,每年会有20余万人来这里寻根祭祖。 一进大门,我就看见照壁上一个红色的大大的“根”字,...
作文槐树250270字槐树 又到了槐树开花的季节,满树雪白的槐花散发着阵阵清馨沁脾的幽香,故乡就淹没在花香里。多么诱人,多么惬意啊!它让记忆变成一只多情的蝴蝶,重新盘旋在童年的天空。 那时的故乡...
门前的老槐树作文600字我家门前的路边有一棵老槐树。 槐树不高,但她的枝干粗壮,而且伸向四面八方,伸的远远的。每到初春的时候,槐树浑身上下冒出一层密密的嫩芽,探头探脑的。春日的阳光和雨露滋润着槐...