
初三英语作文大全标题 only friends makesme happy

02月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我的同学真聪明作文500字初中]我的同学真聪明 他,叫贾鸿杰,是我的同班同学。他长得很帅,有着周润发一样的头发,眼睛小小的,眉毛像弯弯的月亮,一天到晚都春风满面。他给我留下的最深刻的印象是聪明。 那一天早上...+阅读

Only friend makes me happy

There are a lot of things in our life.Success can make me happy.Hobbies make me happy.But I think friend makes me happy.One day I was failed on the maths exam.I was very sad.He came and said:"How are you ? Are you okay?What's the matter?"I said :"I failed on the maths.I'm too silly.Every one got good marks but me!""Oh!Don't worry! I can help you.There is an exercise book.You can use it.This book is very good and helpful.Let's work together!We can win!Believe youself!"Then we work together.At last,I got good marks on maths.The teachers celebrates me.I am very happy.I find him .He also celebrates me too.And we very happy.So friend makes me happy!


这就是聪明我作文500字我学会了做饭 今天早上醒来,我穿好衣服,见妈妈还在睡觉。我没有叫醒她,饿着肚子等妈妈起来做饭。这时,我脑子里闪现一个念头:我已经十岁了,也该学做饭了。 我来到厨房,看看有什么东...

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