Recently I spent over three hours looking, reading and enjoying the exhibits at the National Palace Museum located in the suburbs. Many local and foreign visitors go there daily to take pictures outside and spend endless hours inside. No cameras are allowed inside, but you can buy you can buy colored slides of the exhibits in the gift shop downstairs. There is a very large collection of beautiful jades. Also, there is an ancient bronze vessel exhibit. Some of the exhibits are changed regularly for special collections such as porcelain and silk paintings. My attention was mainly in the room with the wall-size slide show describing some archeological discoveries from pre-history tine. Also, the oracle bones' exhibit was very good; there seemed to be an endless amount of rare, beautiful, interesting, and fascinating things. 另外一篇 谁都知道故宫是闻名天下的名胜古迹,可是你有没有真的到过故宫呢!如果去过,你一定会被眼前宏伟壮观的建筑深深的吸引住。
这就是当初出劳动人民用他们聪明智慧建造出来的故宫,在这里发生过许许多多历史故事。此时此刻你肯定会为自己是一个中国人而自豪。 故宫分正宫和后宫。先来说说正宫吧!所谓的正宫分三个宫殿;第一宫殿是皇帝上朝用的,宫殿的顶上有一个银色的大珠珠,据说这颗珠子可以分辨出真假皇帝,如果是假皇帝珠子就会掉下来砸死他,当初一些假皇帝就是怕被珠子砸死,才躲到其它宫殿去上朝;后面一个宫殿是皇帝准备上朝用的,里面放着一些资料;再后面是考状元的地方了,考上前三名的人将有机会被选当上附马爷。