

02月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[以最激动的一瞬间为题写篇文章]最激动的一瞬间 在学校中发生过许多瞬间,可那一瞬间是最激动人心的。那一次,学校让我们班和一班进行拔河比赛。比赛开始了,我们双方都使出吃奶的劲,拼命的拉,可是一班有几位重量...+阅读

天生我才必有用(Every man have his gift) In a small zoo camel asked his mother: "Mom Mom, why do we so long eyelashes?" Camel mother said: "When the wind came, the long eyelashes will enable us to be able to see the direction of the storm." small camel asked: "Mom Mom, why do we camels back then, dead ugly!" camel mother, said: "This is called hump, you can help us save a lot of water and nutrients, so that we can tolerate more than a dozen in the desert day of potable water without conditions. "small camel asked:" Mom Mom, why do we so thick the soles of the feet? "camel mother said:" That will enable us to many of the body is not stuck in soft sand for long-distance ah journey. "pleased broken small camel:" Wow, so useful that we ah!! But mother, why we are still in zoos, do not desert hiking? " To be useful, but no one now used. A good attitude + a successful teaching + an infinite stage = success. Everyone's potential is unlimited, the key is to find a stage and give full play to their potential. 译文: 在动物园里的小骆驼问妈妈:"妈妈妈妈,为什么我们的睫毛那么地长?" 骆驼妈妈说:"当风沙来的时候,长长的睫毛可以让我们在风暴中都能看得到方向。

" 小骆驼又问:"妈妈妈妈,为什么我们的背那么驼,丑死了!"骆驼妈妈说:"这个叫驼峰,可以帮我们储存大量的水和养分,让我们能在沙漠里耐受十几天的无水无食条件。"小骆驼又问:"妈妈妈妈,为什么我们的脚掌那么厚?" 骆驼妈妈说:"那可以让我们重重的身子不至于陷在软软的沙子里,便于长途跋涉啊。"小骆驼高兴坏了:"哗,原来我们这么有用啊!!可是妈妈,为什么我们还在动物园里,不去沙漠远足呢?" 天生我才必有用,可惜现在没人用。



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