[作文我想对环保工人说书信格式]展开全部 敬爱的叔叔阿姨们: 你们好! 自从上次读了你们的信后,我们班个个同学都在反思自己过去的种种行为。至于我,更是无比地自责,懊悔,愤怒。看着你们写的信,我不禁懊悔:为什么以...+阅读
A few days later,we have seven days off for May Day.I planed to go to see my grandparents and go for a tirp with our classmates.We will go to the jingang monten ,there are much beautiful thing to see.We will stay there for three days.We will have a good time.How about you holiday plan?Just tell me ! The topic of whether or not to cancel the labor holiday is debated over and over by scholars. Various reasons clearly indicate that the holiday should be kept. Firstly, the labor holiday has its positive meanings for the people. The holiday was first formed to give thanks and repect for the laborers. It reminds people how there are countless people who are doing harsh and dirty work everyday to keep all of us in this good environment. secondly, the labor's holiday gives people some time to rest from work. people are so busy working today that they can barely leave time to spend with their families. This period of 7 days is just right for a family to maybe go on a vacation. For the reasons presented above it is certain that the labor's day should be kept.
英语作文。书信Dear John Brown, I've received your letter of March12. Please come to my company to discuss the details of cooperation on 25th this month. And please tell me yo...
求书信英语作文2篇Dear,The middle autumn day is coming soon.I plan to do a lot of things that day.The most important is to be with our family members together.Besides,we can enjo...
关于书信格式的作文不少于4oo个字敬爱的x老师: 您好! 您是我心目中最敬重的好老师,您虽然十分严厉,但是您把一颗心扑在我们身上。您起早贪黑,琢磨着更好的教学方法。您就像蜡烛一样,让我感到前途无限的光明,却燃烧...
雅思G类作文什么种类啊小作文都是书信类吗雅思考试写作G类用时60分钟,包含两篇作文的写作要求,大家需在60分钟内完成这两篇作文。 雅思考试官方建议大家第一篇作文用时20分钟,第二篇作文用时40分钟。这方面与雅思写作A...
关于感恩的作文书信的那种谁可以给我给我个范文感恩妈妈 说到感恩,我最先感恩的就是我的妈妈,她为我付出了那么多,“妈妈,您辛苦”!“世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像块宝……”每当听到这首歌,我就想到了妈妈爱我的那一幕……妈妈...
书信作文快乐伴我成长快乐伴我成长 我有一个温暖的家,家里人都很爱我,把我视为掌上明珠,痛苦的事回家倾诉,高兴的事回家分享,在充满温暖与爱的家中,我快乐地成长。 在我快乐成长的过程中,也有许多快乐的...
小学书信式的积极向上的作文大家好!我是六年级的邵一佳,自从开学以来我被评为了班长,当然我也在其它学习岗位体验过工作。 有时候,老师叫我帮他做些事情,我都会尽我自己的全力完成,对我来说,干工作没有最好,只...
六年级450字作文家乡在我心中必须书信格式450字快啊!例文:(“_”表示空格) 敬爱的XX(或亲爱的,等): __您好! __(正文) ——————————————————————— ——此致 敬礼! ———————————————————————(学...