[向日葵女孩。观后感。观后感怎么写。初中的作文]看过《窗边的小豆豆》的人,会认为那是个美丽的故事;那当你看完《向曰葵女孩》后,你会觉得秦文君的童年回忆与黑柳彻子的一样美丽! 这是一本能让我体验亲情、友谊的书,但童年和友...+阅读
---------------------------------------英文---------------------------------When the "Coca-Cola boy" broadcast last title, my mind for a long time fixed in such a picture: actress opens the door to go out, see the Coca-Cola boy sitting on the parapet,holding her little daughter, three people showed a warm smile. At that moment, I suddenly feel, this is not only a comedy, a drama, a love story, is a full of profound meaning of educational films. As a comedy, "Coca-Cola boy" comedy effect is not very strong. I think it is used only to make this part contains a serious proposition moviestogether is relaxed and cheerful. "Coca-Cola boy" as adrama, the plot is no cheat, step between other dramarivals. The drama plot is mainly: senior marketers a Coca Cola Co in the company meeting found that Coca-Cola's market share in a remote valley town of UM Leah there is zero while the region's people drink is a kind of soft drinks,local, is intolerable to the deeply American culture of Coca-Cola. For, so he began to enter the region, and carried out a series of strategies, and ultimately make the area a small corner of the vast territory not worth mentioning Coca-Colaempire. The f. The first Coca-Cola man risked his life in trying to close to Mcdowell, but almost be Mcdowell's shotgun sweep, added indignity drive fled. The secondCoca-Cola boy tied the Mcdowell sent to protest employeescame in front of Mcdowell, finally have the chance to visit his factory, but the stubborn old man still refused to allowCoca Cola Co to divide a cup of a thick soup. Even to theCoca Cola Co asked Coca-Cola into his brand has become a new brand of mccole, the results of the two sides part.The last Coca-Cola kid to annex Mcdowell in cooperation with capital means personal capital at the same time, theculture as the assistant, the America music with the local ethnic elements mixed into a new music as Coca-Cola localadvertising, the final success. In the whole process of marketing, Coca-Cola kid for that purpose unremittinglyspirit worth our learning. When we encounter setbacks in the process of marketing, unremittingly often is a prerequisite for marketing success. When we encounter setbacks in the process of marketing, unremittingly often is a prerequisite for marketing success. And the marketing of Coca-Cola small end success depends on the cooperation of capital at the same time take cultural means. This is themore advanced means of marketing. Coca-Cola willintegrate into local culture, way of life. When the drink Coca-Cola become this idea has become the consensus of all people an advanced way of life, marketing willimperceptibly be accomplished. Cultural marketing methodsare worth learning. As a love story, "Coca-Cola boy" plotpoint falls in the convention. Coca-Cola boy female secretary fell in love with him, and he began a series of pursuit. Only the pursuit of efficiency, to be indifferent toother Coca-Cola boy finds herself falling in love with thelittle monkey business secretary. The dramatic, female secretary is soft drinks boss Mcdowell 7 years no daughter.Mcdowell's wife is a Coca-Cola salesman, because theyclaim the opposite, and stubbornness and self-willedMcdowell, his wife Dutch act, the daughter ran away from home. Even Coca-Cola kid a tour of the factory, Mcdowellpointed to his wife's portrait said to him: "I love him, but I hate her!". I can be half make fun of the whole moviesummed up as: even two generation Coca-Cola salesmanwith local soft drink and its daughter boss emotional entanglements history. When the 7 years no daughter stillrefused to meet with Mcdowell, Mcdowell heart have mixed feelings. At last he will own factory and factory on fire andto die, he shouted to the firefighters arrived: "this is my factory, I have the right to dispose of his!". Finally Coca-Cola marketing successful Coca-Cola boy is not happy, he finally chose to give up her career and life together withfemale secretary. Educational films I think, is to "Coca-Cola boy" of drama and romance film properties and together.Very relaxed this movie style, so the education will notseem so serious. The opposition between Coca Cola Co and Mcdowell soft drink factory struggle actually represents a America and Australia two culture, two kinds of attitude.When the foreign culture with the irresistible like great scourges to hit you, how would you choose? Is the same as Mcdowell unable to destroy the opponents will destroy yourself? All rivers run into sea or in mind it is satisfied aspart of their own? Instead, when you take the alien culture and the conflict of the culture, will not spare none? When the enterprise and love can not ha...
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