[我要关于分享的作文]孤寂人生,谁来聆听你心中的清音?望眼未来,谁来领略你眼中的精彩? 山青青,水盈盈,弹一曲“高山流水”,震彻群山,激扬层浪。 于是俞伯牙与钟子期共同欣赏这份相遇相知的情。人生得一知...+阅读
Three years ago, I was admitted to the City focus on high school. I together in the classroom window planted a peach tree and classmates. This peach to accompany us to learn together, live, to witness our efforts every day, every day to share the joy, share the every day troubles. Now peach tree has been covered with rich fruit, each of us also gain useful knowledge. We are about to embark on a new journey of learning, hope this tree can bear more fruit.
关于怎么写认识自我超越自我创新自我的作文人成熟的标志是什么?有的说成熟的标志是能用理智战胜感情,有的说是遇事有主见,有的说是善于给予爱,有的说是善于否定自我----而我的看法是——“成熟”的标志是能超越自我。 同...
以认识自我超越自我为话题写一篇1000字的作文快点有急用我为成功而生,不为失败而活。 我为胜利而来,不向失败低头。 我要欢呼庆祝,不要吸泣哀诉。 人,识得破别人的骗术,却逃不脱自己的谎言。懦夫认为自己谨慎,而守财奴也相信自己是节俭...
英语作文有趣的事An Interesting Thing Today, there is an interesting thing at my home. Today is Sunday, so my father doesn't go to work. After lunch, my father goes to sleep and...
有趣的事英语作文My friend went to Shanghai last Monday. He could not understand their dialect. But, they could speak Mandarin. However, sometimes, it was hard to understand the...
英语作文写一件有趣的事A Funny Thing A funny thing happened to me last Friday. I'd gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find so...
以我的回来了为题写一篇作文妈 回 来 了 盼星星盼月亮,阔别年余的妈妈今天终于要回来了,我好高兴啊! 时间过得真慢,好不容易熬到下午外婆才打来电话,说六点四十来接我和奶奶一道去机场迎接妈妈。奶奶给我梳...