[记一次语文课的作文]今天,冯老师给我们上了一节别开生面的语文课。 冯老师一到教室门口,就笑着说:“同学们,今天我们上一节口语交际课吧!讨论话题是:过生日,请同学吃饭好不好?”教室里顿时沸腾了起来。...+阅读
Jay Chou born in Taibei.He birthday on 18th.In the family the only son,his parents all are the middle school teacher.He hobby is seeing the electricity,playing basketball,playing electrically operated.He be good at piano,violin,guitar,knight drum.He do well in R&B,RAP.In 1996 accompaied in the Dan river middle school chorus piano.Four year later,distributes individual first special edition,In 2006 his movie"Gold armor"is all the rage mainland.Until now distributes seven special editions and shot five movies and person or household who refuses to move and bargains for unreasonably high compensation when the land is requisitioned for a construction project region the MOTO handest ,Pepsi Cola and so an act as barand sporkeman.2007 year's end in Taibei,Shanghai,Hong Kong will conduct tours...
以一节语文课为题目的作文一节语文课给我的启示 ——对课堂教学评价的再认识出于好奇,想领略一番新课改春风沐浴下的语文课堂教学风采,我拿着听课笔记走进了语文课堂。 徐老师上课的内容是实验教材二年...
一节难忘的语文课 450字作文五年级上册语文从跨进小学的大门起,我上过许许多多门课,有生动活泼的语文课,有妙趣横生的数学课,还有奥妙无穷的科学课……其中令我难忘的是前几天的一节语文课。 “铃!铃!”上课的铃声响了,同学...
第一节语文课作文 500如果你满意,请采纳 今天是我上课的第一天,心中不禁兴奋起来,我要迎接的可是从未体验过的初中生活呢! 同样也是今天,我迎来了本学期的第一堂语文课,迎来了一位新老师。 老师说这一...
一节有道理的语文课作文600字小学中,我经历过许许多多的事,随着时间的流逝,我大都淡忘了,但唯有一堂语文课让我终身难忘…… 记得小学三年级的时候,我在课堂上老是不敢举手,总是安静地坐在教室里,再说那时侯,我...
求一篇评价马云的作文 800字大写的人 湖北省松滋市第一中学 肖晓庆 阳光逐渐收敛了光芒,世界似乎在一点点沉静,云端的胭脂红却愈发饱满、充盈了,胸中如有泉源,涌动出细腻的温暖,微小,但清晰、悠长,散发出一种...
急求一篇写关于周杰伦的英语作文杰伦出道歌坛的经过十年成长 1998年,周杰伦的一个学妹帮他报名参加这个节目。为了引起吴宗宪的注意,他写了一首非常奇怪的《菜谱歌》,因为害羞,周杰伦请了一个朋友和他一起演出,...
周杰伦的英语作文My favourite singer is Zhou Jielun.His English name is Jay Chow.He was born on January 18th,1979.His height is 173cm,and his weight is 60kg.His favourite sport...
关于周杰伦的初二英语作文My Hero I think lots of students like the pop singer named Jay. I also like him very much. When he released his first album, I started to buy his album. And I n...