and never stop trying because someday you'll reach and you', we are the ones that can control them and make them real. 展开全部 Everytime you feel lost and confused just dream again of the person you would be if you worked hard for your goals;ll be doing exactly what you love to do and you', set your dreams right infront of your eyes and work for them , and there'.In conclusion.More over, don't you ever lose your passion to dream ? I believe nothing can be compares to this moment .You'll feel proud of yourself because you proved that there's nothing impossible when you actually determine to do, I believe that it's better to put a plane for yourself to follow .First, you have to write down what your resolutions are and then find out what does it take to reach them.After that, everyone has his own resolutions and has something to look up to and to reach.However, some people may say that dreams are hard to follow and it'll find whatever you were looking for;ll be testing your wildest dreams , and what in the whole world is greater than that , because our dreams are in our hands ;ll feel happy from deep inside of your heart because then you'.Further more, when you finally reach your goals you'll reach them someday.All you have to do is to set your goals before your eyes and work as hard as you can to reach your points .There's no doubt that there will be times when you feel like giving up , but no don't give up on yourself just stand up and try even if you have to try for a thousand time but keep trying ;s impossible to be able to achieve your dreams.But, that's actually not true ;t stop dreaming I think it is really great to dream and to live your life trying to reach your hopes , I really can's no doubt that you'.For me, I Look up to many things during my life such as : learning english and be good at it Dreams are the most amazing things in life , we all love to dream and we all love to hope and to see ourselves getting better and better each day.Everyone of us dreams of being something and tries to achieve his goals , completing my studies and improving my self at any field during my life , try step by step to improve yourself and to reach your ambitions .And finally
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