Hello, here, I'm going to write an essay about telling white lies.Liar, liar will be burn on file.Trying to say the truth always is not possible. Telling lies may help us to avoid some troubles. In some situations, we would rather to not to tell the truth to evade problems that might occur. Our parents have taught us to say the truth no matter what. Over time, we learn that in some situations to save ourselves from bad events, it seems not too bad to tell lies. Lying may hurt other persons. If it has not any side effect for anyone, it's a white lie or a harmless lie.White lies occur those times that we do not feel good to say things straight. We may say that I'm really busy tonight to avoid the party, in case of that we really are not busy, and just want to get rest at that night. However, there is something wrong with lying, even the white one, and it's the revealing of the truth. When we find out that someone has lied us, we don't trust the lair anymore. There is also a symbol of a liar, Pinocchio, the wooden doll that became a real boy.
高一作文理想是理想是灯 俗话说:“人无志而不立。”一个没有理想的人是一定不会成功的。古今中外,这么多伟大的人都怀着崇高理想,无一例外。理想是我们奋斗的动力;理想是照亮我们前进的灯;理想...
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用英语列举一系列善意的谎言There was a teacher, he sprinkled a lie that he can give students predict the future: you may become a mathematician, he can be a writer, that one with artistic...