

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于踏青的日记]“爸爸,明天早上我们一起去山上踏青吧!”我用恳求的眼神望着爸爸,希望爸爸能够同意,爸爸可怎么都不干,我便大哭起来,爸爸奈何不了我,只好点点头答应了。 早上,我早早的起床,带上上山...+阅读

January 31, 2008 Today, I discovered that the time is a cruel thing. Both men, time always list goes on. It will not stay waiting for somebody. You can not use what time to exchange. Time is a fair thing. Although you have a lot of money, or you will enjoy a high reputation, time is not to leave them more. Today, I found I have never enough time. Although I have 20 days of leave, but I find that I have a lot of things to do. I have a lot of homework to be done, I was some necessary things. Friday, March 18 Today is the last day of physical training, and exercise much more. Some of the morning or evening since, the school nearly 6:00, hurry up running five laps. Perhaps everyone has their own strengths, and my confidence is a great honor for me. PE teacher several of our classes, there is much more hope. Life's experiences, both do, as long as do their best efforts, even failure, without complaint or regret. In a lonely lonely, come to a crowded street, in protest over freedom? This is ridiculous complaints of the Earth? A sad face, according difficult wounds have healed. What should go all out struggle, not quietly slip. Nobody understood my sadness. More looking forward to one person, let me hold your hand tightly together to stray, the same fantasy wonderful time, the same water elderly. Although you seemed distant cape, you know I lost. Not from the memories of the innocent laughter, in the hearts of not frustrated struggle. Very long after the New Year, suddenly look back, the style still remain. 先写两篇,我如果又写了,会发的


外出踏青的日记300字今天,天气晴朗,万里无云。我和妈妈一起去踏青,一起去寻找春天的足迹。一路上微风吹拂着我的脸,柔柔的,软软的,像妈妈的手抚摸着我。 春天是有颜色的。金黄的油菜花黄的像蝶,远远望...

有关清明节踏青的日记祭扫先人墓,踏青迎清明 这是个伤感的季节,这是个怀念的日子,这是个孝感天下、情感互动的时刻。生死的话题,从来都不曾轻松过。让我们为那些已逝的亲人献上美丽的雏菊,传达自己最...

关于踏青的作文惑日记(1)踏青 春姑娘悄悄的来了,她去了哪里?跟我一起去探个究竟吧! 我来到小树旁, 树枝上坐落着一排排豆粒般大小的花苞,呈深红色,含苞待放。 我找到了,我找到了春姑娘,她坐在春枝萌芽的...

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