[小学三年级作文吹泡泡]昨天的科学课,老师让我们吹泡泡,要求是:泡泡大、美而不破。 怎么才能做到美丽、大而不破呢?老师告诉我们:"泡肥皂水的时间不能太短,最好是二十分钟。我们按照老师的吩咐泡好了水,就...+阅读
great changes in my hometown Great Changes in My Hometown I used to live in a small town with trees all around. There was no tall building and the only street was narrow. Just outside the town, there was a river. You can see different kinds of fish swimming in the clear water. People here lived a simple life. Great changes have taken place here. You can see tall buildings, big department stores and factories everywhere. Different kinds of cars and buses are running in the big streets. But with the development of the industry, we have fewer trees. Air and water pollution is becoming more and more serious. We must do something to stop pollution and make our town even more beautiful.
吹泡泡的作文怎么写今天,我起床做完作业,就开始跟哥哥、姐姐还有邻居家的弟弟一起玩有趣的游戏“吹泡泡”。 首先我们找来了一个瓶子,放上一些水、洗衣粉、胶水、洗洁精,再和弄和弄等待一会,使洗衣...
操场上的笑声吹泡泡三年级作文啊哈,我的大!哈哈……”这是我们班在六一儿童节的时候,在操场上吹泡泡的情景。 记得那是我们三年级的时候,听说要去操场上吹泡泡,我们听了高兴地一蹦三尺高。第二天,我们还没等老...
成长不可无书作文成长不可以无书 在我们成长的过程中,不可以缺少书。书给我们带来了乐趣,书使我们学到了一些课堂上学不到的知识,书使我们充实地过完了这金色的童年。书是人类进步的阶梯,书能打...
什么是集体作文(一)思想的进步 集体荣誉感的产生,当然是思想进步的表现。人生活的社会中,工作和生活,都离不开大大小小的集体。 人们小的时候,自然不知道什么是集体荣誉感。随着年龄的增长,到了少...
写一篇家乡变化的高中英语作文Great Changes in My Hometown My home in Zhouzhi County, in recent years has undergone a great change. Take my family for instance. Previously, we do not have a...
关于家乡变化的英语作文怎么写I love hometown My hometown is not known, but in my eyes, the rivers and mountains of his home, plants are the most beautiful. Do not believe? Listen to me then...
关于家乡变化的英语作文my hometown is a beautiful place and i love it. However, many years ago, it was different. At that moment, people lived a poor life with old houses. The polluti...
介绍家乡变化的英语作文I'm proud of my hometown I'm proud of my hometown, Shanghai, one of the biggest cities in China. Shanghai is located in the east of China. The Oriental Pearl TV...