

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[因故不能参加写一封信向你的老师请假的英语作文]dear teacher, i am xiaoming.i can't attend school,as i got a cold carelessly yesterday.wherefore i have to see a doctor and have a rest.i feel regret that i am...+阅读

It's both easy to see and hard to imagine that Holland, Michigan has its roots in the most solemn aspects of Dutch culture. Much of the religious conviction remains, as does the traditional Dutch architecture, and ambiance. But like its pioneers, Holland has reinvented itself without letting go of its heritage. Today's Holland is alive with diverse cultures, whose influence has created an exciting, thriving community that has never lost its charm or affability. Long time residents can't imagine living anywhere else; newcomers wonder why they didn't move here sooner. And our visitors delight in the vast array of recreational activities, visual and performing arts, Dutch attractions, magnificant beaches and an award-winning downtown with exceptional shops, galleries, and eateries. There's even a snowmelt system that keeps the downtown streets and sidewalks dry in winter. Click on the links below to find out more about our past, present, and your future with Holland....


英语作文写请假条楼上写的蛮好,是标准格式,考试上可以这么写,但是日常没必要这么啰嗦。直接这么写就行。 January 5th 2010 Dear Sir, I'm sorry to tell you that I can't go to school today,...

帮忙写一篇英语作文请假条 60字Respectful teacher : Because, my mother a sudden illness, high fever, hospitalization, people need to take care of. And my father also had a business trip to Be...

帮我写个英语请假作文Dear Ms. [teacher's name], I beg to apply for today leave with I fell so bad and weak since I woke up the morning. I realized why it happened is playing on comp...


作文打开一扇窗 600字记叙文打开一扇窗 迈在人生的道路上,何必要使自己变得孤单呢,为别人打开一扇窗,也让彼此之间的温暖同留在我们的心中。 人们为什么要将窗锁上,归根结底,是因为人与人之间的不信任,当我们...

打开窗户作文500字打开一扇窗 幽居在生活的角落,你的心灵或许疲惫,何不打开一扇窗,让光明和希望注满心间,让诗意和甜蜜写满生活。 《小王子》中有这样一句话:满天的繁星,或许在千百年前早已爆裂,而此...

拜托命题作文打开一扇窗 600字以上记叙文急需!要初二打开一扇窗 阳光收集在瓶子里,瓶子便有了暖;阳光收集在心里,心中便有了爱,如果经常收集阳光,我们的内心便也有了阳光的普照,滋润着爱的土地。 既然阳光是如此美好,单纯,那么,请你打开...

写荷兰的英语作文加翻译Last week,I was happy.(上个星期,我很高兴)Last week,I went to the Happy Valley.(上个星期,我去了欢乐谷)Last week,I flew kite at the park.(上个星期,我去公园放风筝)Last week...

作文打开窗让春风进驻 600字左右打开窗让春风进驻 春风响亮地打了一个呼哨,大地睁开惺忪的睡眼,既而笑靥如花。一夜之间,犹如解冻的大江,所有的花都如期而至,铺天盖地。小小的花萼再也藏不住满腹的心事,訇訇然怒...
