
初二英语作文my dream

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于五里桥的六百字以上优秀作文小学水平]诚信可贵阿木的小屋坐落在翠绿的小山丘下,他孤独地生活了一年又一年,眨眼间便到了谈婚论嫁的年龄。 一天,阿木仍然继续他辛勤的劳动。匆匆赶路的上帝既劳累又口渴,便上前向阿木...+阅读

My Dream

Everyone has dreams, maybe someone want to be a singing star, maybe someone want to be a famous player, but my dream is a little different. I want to be a scientist who can develop our environment. You know, as the society develops faster and faster, many people only want to make money and they don't care the nature. There will be thousands of plants and animals disappear every minute. They are human's friends; they are also the owner of our earth and have the right to live well. So, we destroy all this wonderful life? We, humans!I have a dream that when I grow up, I will learn more knowledge and change for people's life. At that time, we will use solar energy instead of oil and coal, cars and factories are all droved by clear energy. People will enjoy the fresh air and green plants everywhere.I have a dream that when I grow up, I will try my best to change people's thinking ways. I will pursue people to protect our environment from every small thing in their daily life.







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初二英语作文mydream60字左右简单一点带翻译my dream Everyone has his own dream.Some want to be doctors.Others hope to be scientists.My dream is to become a teacher. Teachers can not teach us many things...

初中英语作文 My dreamMy Dream Everyone has a dream,Everyone's dreams are great, happy and distant,My dream is that my family and friends can be happy .Although this is not realistic...
