

01月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

[100字的读书笔记急用!谢谢了]鲁宾孙漂流记的读书笔记 好词摘录: 搁浅、兜底、吞噬、烟波弥漫、泅水、山坳、恭顺、惊魂甫定、斑斑印记 好句摘录: 我简直吓坏了,呆呆地占在那里,就象挨了一个晴天霹雳。 看到...+阅读

父母对我的爱(My Parents Love To Me)

My father is a peasant. Four years ago he came to the city, and found a job.

And then my mother and I moved here. At that time, my father earned little money

and could hardly support the family.

I was small, short and thin then. My parents sometimes bought me some good

food for me. I remember clearly once they gave me the roast chicken. Oh, I liked

it best. I asked them to eat together, but they both said they didn't like it.

So I ate it up.

Now our life is better. One evening, my father bought some roast chichen

again, and we ate it happily. Suddenly, I understood why they didn't eat it

before. They just wanted me to eat it.This is my parents' love!






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