[关于这个暑假真无聊的作文 600左右]这个暑假真无聊的作文,600左右 暑假的第二个星期过去了,我的作业已经全部做完了,我以为我这下可轻松了,要不就是上网听音乐,要不就是看电视。可是在亲身体验中却不是这样的。 第...+阅读
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is XX. I come from XXX. Though I am a senior shool student, who am always busy in the heavy work, I still have many hobbies in my free time. I like English, singing and touching new things. And for me, new challenges are chances to improve myself instead of holding me back, because I am always confident enough to face the difficulties. I will be very humbly to ask others when I meet something difficult to settle. Now, let me introduce my family to you. I live in XXX. There are three people in my family, my parents and I. My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. I love my parents very much. I am in the XXX(school), which is not too far from my house. My school is very beautiful. There is a river in front of the school. The water is clear and the wind is tender. I have a happy and easy learning crouse in my school.
求作文:这个暑假真这个暑假真开心“啊,我放假了,放假了,可以看好电视了,可凶神恶煞挡我前,偏偏不给好假期。”嘴里不停嘀咕着由广告词改变的叹息歌,一边又向学习班骑去。 说起上学习班,历史可悠久了,...
以暑假真好写一篇不少于500字的作文400字暑假趣事 暑假生活就象一只万花筒,异彩纷呈;暑假中我所做的事,已成了一张网中的记忆.那张网捕捞着生活中的各种大小事情.其中有一种,今天还时时萦绕在我的脑际,使我感觉当时的甜...
这个暑假真快乐的作文一、 快乐章 “时光如水,生命如歌。”在白驹过隙间,我们又送走了紧张的一学期,迎来了又一个暑假。 “从今天开始放假了。”老师话音刚落,同学们便欢呼起来:“放假了!放假了。”老...
作文生活随笔。生活随笔 大理地处低纬高原,境内有中外闻名的点苍山和高原明珠洱海, 形成了独特的高原地方性气候,冬暖如夏,空气清新,风花雪月,四季如春。这里年平均气温15.1℃,最冷月(1月)8.7℃,最热...
急求一篇随笔作文最好是关于生活的那一次我哭了 小时我很会哭,现在我已经很少哭了,我片认为我长大了。 我刚踏进家门便听见妈妈的叫声:“每一次作业做好都不知到整理的吗?你到底有没有脑子啊!”妈妈的话无时无刻不...
关于节约时间的英语作文100字以内People often say,“Time is money." But in fact time is more valuable than money. The time we have is limited,Every second is precious. we should make full use of...
关于节约的英语作文I am a puiple in a primary school in China.With the development of the world econemy and science,more and more problems are coming up,one of that is our resouce...