[怎么写小乌龟作文400字]范文,供你参考: 【可爱的小乌龟】 我家里有一只小乌龟,它可是我们家人见人爱的小精灵,特别可爱!小乌龟的样子真让人喜爱,它的脖子长长的,尤其是长在头上的两只小眼睛滴溜溜直转,显得...+阅读
Dear Sirs,
I'm with the Student Union. I'm writting to invite you to have a picnic with us. There is the poster: Participants: The teachers and the students of Grade 1.
Activities forms: Flying kites, having a picnic, taking photos and so on.
Place: Pear Orchard Square Time: September 18, 2011
This activity will give the students good chance to relax themselves. If you can come with us, we will be very happy.
We are looking forward your reply.
Sincerely yours,
The Student Union
小乌龟四百字作文怎么写你养过或见过小乌龟吗?我见过小乌龟。小乌龟很机敏,稍有一点响动,它的头和脚马上会缩回壳里,半天才看到它。所以先由我来向你介绍一下小乌龟吧! 乌龟有一个拇指般大的头,一个异常...
关于乌龟的作文我家里养了一只特别的小动物:乌龟。 这只乌龟,是妈妈买来给我的。我拿着这小乌龟回家,把它放在玻璃缸里。它常常伸出它那深绿色的脚,慢慢地在玻璃缸里爬,我看着它,心里想:这真是一...
可爱的乌龟作文400次展开全部小乌龟是种憨厚可爱的动物。 小乌龟的头是三角形的,像个蛇头。在头的两侧,有一双小绿豆那么大的眼睛,圆溜溜的,向外凸起。它有两只针尖儿般大小的鼻孔,你如果不仔细地观...
描写小乌龟的作文我家有只小乌龟,它的年龄只有三个月,整个小乌龟只有我的手心那么大,小乌龟的头特别小,身体显得特别大.坚硬的外壳有一道道花纹,样子很可爱. 小乌龟平时很喜欢潮湿的地方睡大觉,我...
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