
英语作文 The Great Wall

01月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于成长的作文]成长的快乐 每次回家,会看到一面墙上记录着我几岁时的身高,望着它们,似乎它向我诉说着我的成长。一个小女孩,一阵小跑到墙前,吵着让爸爸为她在墙上作下记号,再对着那根横线感叹道:...+阅读

The Great Wall Do you know which building is the greatest in China? I think it is the Great Wall. It is about 6000 kilometers long. The width of the Great Wall is between 4 and 5 meters. The height of it is between 6 and 7 meters. You may ask how the people were able to build the Great Wall. Yes, there were no machines helping them to build easily. They used their hands, arms, legs and feet. Although it is not easy to build the Great Wall, the people in history have already finished it. That's amazing, isn't it? Now the Great Wall is a famous building. Many tourists from China or other countries are attracted to visit it. It has been a place of interest. The Great Wall is the sign of China. It is the pride of all the Chinese.




写一篇作文关于成长的作文成长11年,如同一阵风一吹而过。镜前一站,昔日那个留着短发,稚气十足的小男孩不见了。如今是一个尝着酸甜苦辣成长的少年,在成长道路上磕磕碰碰地走着,但总有人为我照明。 爸爸曾...

以成长为话题写作文七百字左右急急急!成长的烦恼 成长的过程,就是烦恼的过程。 小时候不知道什么是烦恼,似乎也没什么烦恼。 小学几年,风平浪静,父母为我撑“伞”,老师为我挡风,我这棵幼苗在全方位的呵护下,丝毫没有受...

以成长为话题写一篇作文成长是希望的彩带 成长的岁月像流水,匆匆而来,匆匆而去。不知不觉中,又到了一年中的变更时期。在每一个和我一样的孩子的身边,都有快乐和烦恼灌溉着我们的成长。 快乐与烦恼永远...

以成长为主题写作文成长 有人说,成长是歌,充满了欢快动人的旋律,我们正在满怀激情地演唱着;有人说,成长是花,展现出蓬勃向上的活力,绽放出动人的光彩;也有人说,成长是缓缓升起的太阳,充满着无限的朝气与...

the great wall作文30字The great is one of the most brilliant historical sites around the world. It was constructed to defend the territory of Han dynasty. It showcase the power of th...

用The Great Wall为题目写一篇100词的英语作文急用People love the Great Wall because it is a symbol of the great Chinese people;people consider it as a place of interest because they can get a very beautiful vi...

关于the great wall的作文It is fine today. I made an appointment with my foreign friend Peter to visit the Great Wall on Badaling. We set out early in the morning. We first took the sub...
