In this version everything to pursue Plus era, ninth Mai Rui Bao models - XL Mai Rui Bao Mai Rui Bao same ratio of cash One also increased wheelbase increased 91mm, but the name Mai Rui Bao XL the "XL" the "XL" is not on the clothing sizes, it refers to "cross Limits" meaning across boundaries. If cash Mai Rui Bao dimensions as a reference "L", then the Mai Rui Bao XL indeed worthy of the name can be seen Mai Rui Bao XL "weight" you will find it full 120kg lighter than the cash Mai Rui Bao . It is in the end what is "downsizing" Cheats? "Every festival fat pounds for" You quickly look.
Mai Rui Bao XL of "origin"
Mai Rui Bao Mai Rui Bao XL is the ninth generation of models, the name suffix "XL" Perhaps the intention is another cash eighth Mai Rui Bao to distinguish, after listing in the future "under one roof" sales. Mai Rui Bao XL is also based on a common platform Epsilon Ⅱ with cash Mai Rui Bao, Buick Regal and other "born" the same.
Mai Rui Bao XL how lightweight?
Lightweight design of the car is nothing more than to optimize both from the material and structural design, let's take a look at Mai Rui Bao is based on these two areas in which to lose weight?
- Body structure to lose 50kg.
In the traditional view, the people may often take the strength of steel with the thickness of the body together, and the thickness of the steel and is bound to affect the weight of the body, and therefore misunderstood as body weight and degree of intensity is a contradiction. But with advances in materials science, ideas and conclusions have been so completely untenable. With the high-strength steel in the automotive field use, it enables the body to enhance strength, while vehicle weight is also more lightweight. Compared to cash Mai Rui Bao, Mai Rui Bao XL 91mm longer wheelbase in the case of its weight of only 1415kg, overall reducing the 120kg, the single body part to reduce the weight of more than 50kg.
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