[给个初中作文同桌的你不少于600字速度快快快快快]那个同桌,给我一段美好快乐的记忆。 看着身边这位现任同桌认真的画着几何图,想起我的那个同桌……记得刚刚排座位和他坐在一起时,偷偷的看看她,我对她没有任何印象。可是不知道...+阅读
My Hobby(我的爱好)Everyone has a lot of hobbies, such as my hobby is sports. I like swimming and playing badminton. More exercise can make good health. I also like playing computer. Like QQ to chat with friends, like the growth of knowledge in the online look up information . I also like listening to music, good mood music to help people sooner.
My Good Friend.(我最好的朋友)I have a best friend, her English Mingjiaonanqian. She and I are the same age. She has a black long hair. Big eyes, small nose, small mouth. Her thin high . We have many of the same hobbies, so we became good friends
How do you spend your weekend(你如何度过你的周末)Weekends to the morning I get up at 8:00, had breakfast with friends to the park to play badminton. My mother with 10:00 to go home and cook. After lunch I rested for a while. Afternoon I was in a serious desk homework, until my mother told me to dinner. night I went early to sleep, because tomorrow should go to school
我的同学作文 600字写女生的她――是一位挺漂亮的女孩; 她――是一位乐于助人的好同学: 她――是我的好朋友――范佳薇。 范佳薇是一位漂亮的女孩。她有着苗条的身段,高挑的个头,还有那微黑的皮肤,但丝毫不...
作文600字我的新同桌女的高的我的新同桌 这学期,我们班新来来一位同学,和我同桌(不会吧).我的同桌呀,真怪!她不爱与别人说话,总喜欢一个人在哪儿呆坐着.或是在那看书,看啊看,像一个哑巴似的!于是同学们总是叫她“...
200字作文春天来了我爱春天——每当天气回暖,万物苏醒,我就知道,春来了!每到那时,我总会去离家最近的翠湖公园游玩。 翠湖公园景色优美,充满了浓浓春意。一踏进翠湖公园的大门,最先吸引我的是路两旁...
春天来了观察日记作文200字左右 3年级作文小草,春雨洗落她一身的泥,舒展浑身的筋骨。宛若浴后的少女安静地伫立在原野上张望。 也许是踏青的脚步打断了你的春梦,碧绿的你让人感到了温暖。但,透过少女发髻上的那片绿叶,我...
英语作文我的爱好My Hobbies I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, playing the violinkeeping a diary. In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one'...
我的爱好英语小作文About hobby I enjoy reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them. Two years ago, I didn't like reading very much. I had plenty...
关于我的爱好英语作文我特别喜欢看书 I enjoy reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them. Two years ago, I didn't like reading very much. I had plen...