

12月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于梦想的作文怎么写]一直在想一个问题,我用了全部的青春去追求梦想,我的梦想是不是就会像雄鹰一样翱翔于蓝天? 学习了十几年,为的只是能上一所好的大学,拥有一条好的出路。 突然有一天开始疑惑,突然有...+阅读

here i wanna express that my HOMESICK in university.

As you know, i am the only child of my family which means that my stand-alone capability is limited. May be you think that i am old enough to face the challenging of survive without the care of my parents, that is true, however, there are still so many considerations that other people can't touch unless they are in the same situation as me. I Miss my parents so much that i can't control to miss them at the every single minutes of the night which full filled with loneliness.

This is not only the psychological challenge, but also the living one. As I mentioned that my limited capability of stand-alone, I've got the problem that I don't know how to wash my clothes without washer. Mom was kidding me to brought a laptop washer, how come to find out that laptop one? What the hell should I do!

I've got the sickness of un-used to the environment in the City of ***, it is often too cold in winter and too hot in summer. I stayed more than 1 week in the hospital in my semester 1.

These 3 challenges that I've gotta face in my life of university, although it seems not so easy, but I am gonna try hard and struggle for my future. Yes, it is time to face and greeting the challenges for my life. I miss my parents, that my disadvantage, however, I am gonna make use of it to the energy that makes me improve and grow.

哇 足足花了我20分钟啊



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