[谦虚永远是一种美德 800字作文]一个正真认识自己的人,他就会让自己变的谦虚。让自己的心缩小成一颗石卵,虽然小,但十分结实。遇到那些欲望浅薄的人,他便会谦虚,谦虚的让他们无地自容。这便是谦虚的智慧。刘邦是...+阅读
Value is the basis of all human morality. Yao Ming had a good domestic league? Zhuge Liang was demoted from three? Banqiao Buddha lamp is studying? all these are. Around us there are virtues of kindness to help others, honesty is frankly admit, politeness is to see people say hello, patriotic spread since ancient times is the story. Value is the basis of all human morality. Yao Ming had a good domestic league? Zhuge Liang was demoted from three? Banqiao Buddha lamp is studying? all these are. Around us there are virtues of kindness to help others, honesty is frankly admit, politeness is to see people say hello, patriotic spread since ancient times is the story.
希望对你有用、祝你高考顺利To Respect the Elderly and Take Good Care of the Young提纲1.老人应该受到全社会的尊重。2.儿童应该受到全社会的爱护。3.尊老爱幼的意义。 The elderly and the young are two indispensable parts in society, and we should treat them kindly. On the one hand, the elderly should be respected by all though the society. We should always bear in mind that what we have and enjoy now was created by the aged peeple in the early days, as the old Chinese saying goes, “One generation plants tress under whose shade another generation rests”. Those people who consider the elderly useless can't deny that they are hound to become old some day, therefore, any kind of maltreatment of old people should be prohibited. On the other hand, all of us should take good care of the young, too. It is children who make us see the future of our state, for they are the future builders of oar country. Therefore, we should take care of them and protect them from being hurt. But it doesn't mean that we can spoil them. Spoilt children are well seen nowadays. They depend on their parents so much that they can do nothing without them. How can we count on those children to make contributions to our society? We should take good care of the young so that they will be useful in the social construction later when they come of age.It is a Chinese tradition to respect, love and support the elderly and to protect, educate and take good care of the young. Let's keep and develop that virtue together, because only in this way can we feel as if we were living in a big and happy family, then our society will develop harmoniously.
All of us know everyone needs help and everyone can help others.For example, it's our duty to clean up the classroom. We can help our classmates keep the classroom clean. Our English teacher often tells us: helping others is helping ourselves! You help others today. Maybe you will get a great help from others. But I think to give is better than to receive. I like to help the people who are in trouble. His or her smile is enough. To make the world more beautiful, let's help each other....
我永远也不会忘记作文我永远也不会忘记 从小到大,经历过的事,数不胜数。有许许多多的事已经随着时间的流逝,挥之而去。可那件委屈的事却使我久久不能淡忘。 那是两年前,学校里要举行运动会,这可把同学...
求题为永远也不会忘记作文可追问,第二篇可以把文中的 永远忘不了 改成永远不能忘记,原意还是会不变的 望采纳1 那一刻,时间都凝聚了,仿佛舞台上的人不是我,而真的是那自刎的虞姬。引 “气拔山兮力盖世,虞兮...
永远不会忘记作文师生也许,时光冲淡了记忆的苍凉;也许,时光淡化了熟悉的容颜 ;也许,时光略去了澄澈的笑脸,但是,时光带不走你我的情谊, 带不走铭刻心间的谆谆教诲,带不走这初中三年。 还记得刚开学的那天,...
作文:那件事我永远不会忘记In my memory of the ocean, there are a lot of waves, and the biggest waves, is my memory the most profound a. Remember that year, I just five years old, my gran...
那个日子我永远不会忘记作文300章展开全部 成长路上,我遇到了许多让我感动的事。一个动作,一个声音,一个场景都能让我懂得生活,学会面对。有一个街角的情景,就一直留在我的记忆中,时时感动着我。 那是一个周末,我和...
作文那一刻我永远不会忘记[作文 那一刻,我永远不会忘记] 那一刻,时间都凝聚了,仿佛舞台上的人不是我,而真的是那自刎的虞姬,作文 那一刻,我永远不会忘记。 引 气拔山兮力盖世,虞兮虞兮奈若何随着霸王的一声...
作文那一个日子我永远不会忘记那个永远不会忘记的日子,7月26号,今晚的夜空不如从前,没有璀璨的星,却有着最温暖的脸。 走进运动场,没有越前龙马那句熟悉的“你也不怎么样”,但是,确实平淡的安静,平淡的美丽。 手...
以这件事我永远不会忘记为题写一篇800字作文我永远也不会忘记 从小到大,经历过的事,数不胜数。有许许多多的事已经随着时间的流逝,挥之而去。可那件委屈的事却使我久久不能淡忘。 那是两年前,学校里要举行运动会,这可把同学...