[关于让座作文日记](1)这是我亲身经历的一段故事。 那是几个月前的事,我站在公共汽车上,那车很挤,不用说坐了,就连站也是个问题。 不一会儿,有一个大约60多岁的老奶奶上了车,而且嘴里还念叨着什么,看...+阅读
让座 一个晴朗的星期天,妈妈带我和弟弟去少年宫玩。于是,我们乘上了一辆公交车出发了。一路上,弟弟叽叽喳喳地说个不停,显得很高兴。 到了“西京花园”这一站,一位白发苍苍的老爷爷走了上来,车上已经没座位了,他扶着杆子,好不容易才站稳。我心里想,老师教育我们要尊老爱幼,做个讲文明、懂礼貌的好孩子。我边想边走过去,对老爷爷说:“爷爷,我快到站了,我把座位让给您坐吧。”说完我就把老爷爷扶到了自己的座位上。老爷爷和蔼地说:“谢谢你,小朋友,你真懂事。”我对老爷爷笑了笑,说:“不用谢,这是我应该做的。” 下车以后,弟弟向我竖起了大拇指,说:“哥哥你真棒。”妈妈自豪地说:“你真是我的好儿子。”听了他们这样夸我,我心里那个高兴劲儿就甭提了,全身每一根汗毛都活跃的跳了起来。
Nowadays,there are too many terrible phenomenons prevelent in the society,such as disloyalty,dishonesty and greed something else.Today let's simply talk about dishonest. Dishonesty can be divided into two types at least.To illustrate in the first place,cheating successfully can make you pass the exam,believe me that won't help you at all.You will not get the repect when you step into the society,because you know nothing but cheating.Now imagining in the second place,in a way,dishonesty can be regarded as lies.Most of malicious lies are written by a selfish heart,only a few of lies are helpful even God will be pretend to close his eyes. After all, i suggest people learning how to treat people,the word from God says that how you treat people ,who will treat you in the same way. (满足1
What is your favorite kind of music?Do you like jazz,popular music,classical music,folk songs,blues,and so on?In high schoolI took one course called music appreciation which I greatly enjoyed.This was not to learn how to play a specific instrument but to learn how to read and listen to music as an art form.We read the stories about the lives of many composers and the history of the musical instruments themselves.Sometimes we listened to tapes at the language laboratory,or concerts.Mu sic is sometimes called a universal language.A composer who cannot speak a single word of our language can make us feel joy and pride,exaltation and despair,peace and mystery through his music.
An Unforgetable Thing 一件令人难忘的事-英语作文 One day I was taking a bus to the park. Therewere so many people on the bus that some people had to stand. Suddenly an old man got on the bus. The driver said to the passengers,"Please give the old man a seat." But nobody gave his seat to him. I was angry at this. In our society respecting the old and cherishing the young is a traditional virtue. I'd like to say "Please offer your love to others!" 【参考译文】 一天我乘公交车去公园。车上人很多,以致一些人不得不站着。 突然一位老人上了车。司机对乘客们说:“请给老人让个座”。但是没有人给老人让座。 我看到这非常生气。在我们国家,尊老爱幼是一种传统美德。我向说,“请把你的爱奉献给别人吧!”
公交让座的英语作文60字Giving up your seat to senior citizens, pregnant women and the disabled is the benchmark of courtesy. Relinquishing those seats to a pregnant woman is not only...
急关于让座的英语作文I have learned that there is a report about middle school students offering their seats to others. And the report shows 65 percent of students will do this some...
关于让座的英语作文要带翻译高三用Nowadays,there are too many terrible phenomenons prevelent in the society,such as disloyalty,dishonesty and greed something else.Today let's simply talk about d...
关于让座的英语作文。100词左右让座 一个晴朗的星期天,妈妈带我和弟弟去少年宫玩。于是,我们乘上了一辆公交车出发了。一路上,弟弟叽叽喳喳地说个不停,显得很高兴。 到了“西京花园”这一站,一位白发苍苍的老爷...
英语作文让座90词左右Respect on the Bus Yesterday,I went to school by bus.Soon,an old man get on a bus.But there are no seat on the bus.I wish there will be someone who can lend his...
高三英语作文公车让座及让座后感受As a cheap public traffic,the bus is often very crowded.Therefore,the old,the disabled,the women with babies need special care. Last Sunday,I went to town with...
50字英语作文给老人让座We were always taught to give up our seats to the elderly, the weak, the ill, the handicapped, and the pregnant. It is a standard practice, justified by our own...
急求英语作文一篇高中大学水平求原创关于让座问题的What is your favorite kind of music?Do you like jazz,popular music,classical music,folk songs,blues,and so on?In high schoolI took one course called music appre...
求一篇关于让座是传统美德的英语作文急An Unforgetable Thing 一件令人难忘的事-英语作文 One day I was taking a bus to the park. Therewere so many people on the bus that some people had to stand. Sudde...