[谁能给我一个关于游戏的作文题目是击鼓传花。写出来就采纳]今天第三堂课,我们班举行了一场别开生面的课堂活动--击鼓传花。 击鼓传花活动,颇像苗疆小数民族的篝火晚会。它由一个人击鼓,随着鼓点的进行,锦花在人群中不停地传递着,鼓停花停...+阅读
You shouldn't play football in the house,because it's very noise.You shouldn't throw litter about,because it's not good.You shouldn't eht bad food,because it's bad for your health.You shouldn't sleep in class,because your teacher is angry with you.You shouldn't paly computer games too long,because it's bad for your eyes.
击鼓传花的作文的过程玩得开不开心怎么样天的这堂课比以前的课还有趣一万倍!因为我我们玩了一个史无前例的游戏——新款击鼓传花,作文 击鼓传花。 在老师的那句:在游戏的过程中,盒子落到谁的手里,谁就要按盒里的要求完成...
同学们在一起玩击鼓传花后来和同伴发生了矛盾作文在生活中,同学与朋友之间难免会发生一些矛盾,当产生矛盾后往往都只会指责对方的错误,而没有认识到自己的错误,因此误会也就越来越深.只有认识自己的错误并改正,矛盾自然解开. 我...
击鼓该写成微作文今天,老师笑眯眯地走进教室说:“今天让我么来做一个游戏,叫击鼓传花。”全班同学都高兴得仿佛要跳起舞来。 游戏的规则比较简单。老师面朝黑板在讲台上击鼓,台下同学有序地传递...
英语作文中建议怎么做的句子英语提建议的句型 第一句:If I were you, I would not smoke. 我要是你的话,就不抽烟。 这句话的意思直接建议对方不要抽烟,是一个非常好的提建议的句子。 第二句:What can you...
英语提建议作文Dear Mr.Zhang, I'm very glad to help you. When I first learn English, I met with the same difficulties as yours. I think the first thing is to cultivate your in...
有关提建议的英语作文I'm not sure you're aware that I can hear your music and voices from your house. Your music is too loud and is not allowing me and my child to get to sleep or h...
关于提建议的英语作文截止到中午12 00First I think you should communicate with your parents,tell them what you are doing and how you plan your study,sometimes you can even tell them about your stud...
提建议的英语作文急急急Directions: Your local library intends to improve its service and facilities. As a regular library use, please write a letter to the chief librarian, offe ring...
英语作文学好英语建议先说一些学习方法,第二段为考试方面的学习建议:1.收听英语气象报告 2.善用录音带锻炼听说能力 3.听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 4.从电视,电影中学习英语 5.和朋友表演影...