y family used to live in an old house, there's a big garden. In front of the building, a kitchen and a big balcony. In the afternoon. The house is much larger and brighter than the old one. there're many tall trees and beautiful flowers in it, two bathrooms. I'm so happy that I have my own bedroom now, a sitting room. It has three bedrooms.we moved into a new high-rise building in Pudong last month
今年的暑假,我特别的开心,因为我们要搬新家了。我们的别墅式新家别提有多漂亮了,造型新颖,结构独特,外面贴着淡兰色的瓷砖,上面盖着紫红色的瓦,里面卫生间、厨房间等一应俱全。可是,你们知道吗, 30 年前我们的屋子是怎样的吗?下面就让我为大家说明一下。
时光倒转到 30 年前,映入我们眼帘的,是两间用砖石垒起的平屋,屋顶是用几块简陋的黑瓦块做成的,下雨时就更糟糕了,外面下大雨,里面下小雨。走进屋内,窗是由几根木头组成的,没有玻璃。墙也像一个个鸟窝一样。人与猪、鸡等牲畜生活在一起。特别是烧饭时,那低矮的土灶常常弄得家里浓烟滚滚,那烟味要多难闻就有多难闻。
镜头移到了 2008 年,我家的两层楼房变成了别墅式小洋房,里面卫生间、厨房间等一应俱全,那些柴灶等老古董东都“退休”了。上岗的是全电脑控制的电饭煲、电磁炉、空调等高科技产品。不但是我家,村子里的其他人家都造起了别墅式小洋房,购置了现代化的家用电器。村子里不但房子变高了,环境也变好了,家家户户房前屋后修起了花坛,种上了花草树木。走进我们村,你会疑心自己来到了那个瑶林仙境。
My family used to live in an old house.we moved into a new
high-rise building in Pudong last month. The house is much larger and brighter
than the old one. It has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a sitting room, a
kitchen and a big balcony. I'm so happy that I have my own bedroom now. In
front of the building, there's a big garden. there're many tall trees and
beautiful flowers in it. In the afternoon, many children like to play games
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