

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大家帮帮忙啦。给我发一下英语的演讲作文呗最好有翻译的]英语演讲文章:抓住你生命中的那颗星 Catch the star that holds your destiny, the one that forever twinkles within your heart. Take advantage of precious opportuniti...+阅读

(1)love不可数,且there be句型用就近原则,所以第一句的are改为is 如下:There is a lot of the love of my parents.

(2)逗号前后的东西可有修饰关系,所以第二句中的are可以去掉直接使用形容词 如下: innumerable

(3) 逗号前后的东西一定要有联系,故第三句的 remember 动词原形不能对单独使用,如2所说需要表修饰,且这里为主动记住 如下: remembering also can not finish.

(4)Mum大写(5)删去of mom and Dad take care,

(6)improve 为提高的意思 disease 为疾病的意思 故最后两句不能说疾病一天一天地提高 所以改为 如下: My disease left me a way day by day【我的病一天天离我更远了】 望采纳 谢谢!...


One day, Marie prepared to some food to go to picnic with her friends. When they arrived in the forest, they found that the trees were cut without a bird. So they were very frustrated and went home, but Marie was in the woods. Marie sat on the stump and thought: in the past , here were lots of trees, birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers, but now only the bare stump. Marie had a question why people cut down the trees? No trees, humans would be equivalent to lose the umbrella; no trees, birds would be lost ; without trees, the Earth will lose its colors .Others cut down a tree and I will plant trees. Marie quickly ran back home with a number of trees here, she began to plant trees. She seeded and watered every day.It was a snowy year , when it snowed, Marie had these tree umbrellas. Day in and day out, year after year, the tree finally grew up. But one day, Marie came to see the trees, and she was surprised to find that only a stump……...


Everyone has their own point of view towards clothes and has his own sense of style. I own many beautiful clothes .Such as T-shirt,waistcoat,jacket,jeans,cowboy wear,cowboy hat,sportswear and so on. I will wear different clothes based on the occasions.I usually wear sportswear or a jeans and T-shirt to school. They make me look more spiritual. If there is a formal occasion, I will wear school uniform . I will usually wear the pyjamas in home .It let me feel more comfortable .When I attend a masquarade parties .I will mostly wear cowboy wear. People started to wear clothes so that they could protect themselves from the sun,wind,rain and cold .But the importance of clothes is not only these .As everyone says,"You are what you wear". Clothes make our life more beautiful.


帮别人纠正错误的事作文四百字一转眼,我已经读五年级了.这些年来,由于年幼无知,我做错了很多事,其中让我最难忘的,是那次作弄老师的情景.每当我想起这件事,就会感到脸红. 有一回在上华文课时,其他同学都在专心地...

求一篇英语作文尽量减少语法错误哦 !A Murder One day morning,a old man who were running along a river saw a dead woman beside the river.She was killed by a knife and bled so much.The policemen tho...

帮忙写篇英语作文把!谢谢我很急!Linda: Hello! See your letter, I feel very feeling, because I arrived in the new city, new school is a similar situation, have similar ideas, but now I think in...

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小学语文作文中常见的语法错误语法错误具体分类如下: 1. 主谓关系中人称和数量不一致性(person/number agreement)错误 由于汉语的动词不受主语的人称和数的影响,英语的谓语动词要和主语保持一致,谓语动词要随...

40分钟写的雅思大作文麻烦细心的人帮忙找找语法错误呀。小错误:是courses 不是cources 是 an exclusive benefit 不是a Although learning automatically ,many argue that, on the Internet is beneficial to certain students,to...

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