[以美为话题的作文题目100字]【美无所不在】 人世间有许许多多的美:路旁小草随风摇曳是美;壮阔澎湃、倾泻而下的瀑布是美;志愿者们投入工作努力的背影也是美。美,是无所不在的。 秋来,走在人行道上,观看随季节...+阅读
I'd like to be a teacher after I graduate from colledge. It's very interesting and wonderful to be a teacher. I am energetic and patient so I think I can do well I think I will be useful and helpful to my students because they can not only learn Knowledge but also learn how to be a useful person. I will always feel young nomatter how old I am. What's more, I will have lots of free time to do whatever I want because there is winter holiday, summer holiday and other holidays.There are lots of advantages to be a teacher so my first choice is to be a teacher.
三个月工作计划 100词英语作文
I have planed a few things to do during my summer holiday, the first thing I will do is to visit the Beidai river, I will stay there around seven days to relax. After that, I am going back to my home town to visit my grandparents, I will stay in their house for another seven days, because I miss them so much. I will read a lot of famous books to improve my reading intrest during the whole holiday. I will also join an English learn class to improve my English, because I wish to continue my high school study....
英语作文带翻译100字左右题目 My favorite teacherMy favorite teacher The teacher I like best is a Chinese teacher.She is a gentle teacher,although sometimes she is tough but I still love her.She is very beauti...
英语作文毕业后如何找到好工作200字What do I want to do when I m older? Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player because they are good at sport. Someone wants to be a...
奉献与索取100字作文题目“白云奉献给草场,江河奉献给海洋, 我拿什么奉献给你,我的朋友,白鸽奉献给蓝天 ,星光奉献给长夜,我拿什么奉献给你 ......”听着这苏芮的歌,我不禁想到了那些为祖国捐躯的战士,那些...
题目:植树二年级作文 100字左右春天到了,天气渐渐暖和了,小草不知不觉地探出头来,早开的小花儿张开笑脸,树木长出了嫩绿的叶子,大地披上了绿色的新妆。今天下午,学校组织我们去附近的公园植树。老师把我和小明分...
以我的梦想为题目100字作文我的梦想 每个人的心底都有属于自己的梦想,但大多数人都觉得自己的梦想只不过是梦想,它虚幻得可想而不可及,于是将它深深地埋在心底,连破土的机会都不给它,这样,梦想怎么会开出绚...
随笔作文100字题目我和书我和书 我和书相识已有XX年(LZ填自己岁数)了,不得不说,它并不坏。 世界上一切伟人都读过书。确切地说是有益的书。高尔基说,“书籍是人类进步的阶梯。”而我要说,书籍是人类建造通...
英语作文你想建一个什么节日英语作文你想建一个什么节日,关于spring festival的英语作文80个字左右:新闻 网页 贴吧 知道 MP3 图片 视频 百科 文库 帮助 | 设置 >教育/科学 >学习帮助 写一篇英语作文5-8...