[近年来中考材料作文]真我风采 小心翼翼地给自己涂上一层保护色,不至于被人一眼看“透”,这可能是当今社会的时髦之举。 就拿我来说吧,在父母眼里,我是一个不爱交际、腼腆羞怯的男仔;在同学当中,我却被...+阅读
Nowadays, there are many TV PK (Point Kick or Player Killer) shows in China. Not only do they keep a great deal of advertising revenues coming, they also cause different effects among our Chinese audiences.
The TV PK shows have been great hits in China since early 2000. Many of us are fond of these shows because they are considered as interesting and entertaining. However, different people have different minds. There are certain people who do not like these TV PK shows. Because all of these shows feature ordinary people instead of professional actors and actresses, many of us think that they are too commercial and uneducated, and that an over-all quality of the TV Pk shows is downgraded.
As a middle school student, I believe that these TV PK shows will be more prevailing if they are equally educational and entertaining!
There are more and more draft shows nowadays,they are only TV real person show copy from abroad,we cannot negate the entertainment influence on people but show understanding of the media popular and the TV speculation for their audience rating,they are only social scence with the developing of the culture.Everybody can acheive a goal of becoming a famous star,it's a good platform for common people to be famous since you have the talent,no matter it's singing、dancing、acting or other artistic talent.你如果对社会有点认识的话应该知道这是什么原因的。为什么这原因和影响还要我替你想?...
How do you think about the collection of the beauty's contest? 你怎样看待选美比赛? The collection of the beauty just only have one implied rules,that means:Not any meaning.If you were go to the collection of the beauty,you need pay your youngth to commpany with a rich person.He will pay more money to raise you.You will have more money.But actually,two or three years later,he will change girlfriend.And you also need to live with their together. 选美比赛就只是一个隐性的规则,那个意思表明:没有更多的意义。如果你是去参加了选美,你需要赔上你的青春去陪一些有钱人。他将会花更多的钱来养你。你将要变得有钱。但是,事实上,两三年以后,他将要换女朋友。在这期间,你还得和他住在一起。 If I have a girl,she is beautiful,I don't like her go to collection of beauty.But if she really want to do that,I also will support her. 如果我有一个女儿,她很漂亮,我不喜欢她去选美。
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