

03月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思G类作文什么种类啊?小作文都是书信类吗?大作文是什么种类]雅思考试写作G类用时60分钟,包含两篇作文的写作要求,大家需在60分钟内完成这两篇作文。 雅思考试官方建议大家第一篇作文用时20分钟,第二篇作文用时40分钟。这方面与雅思写作A...+阅读

在书信的写作中能让人回味悠长的就是一个别出心裁的结尾了。下面新东方网雅思频道就为大家整理了8个非常有特点的书信的结尾范例,供大家参考借鉴。 1. Do you get just as much or more celebrating at the beginning of the Chinese New Year? Anyway, best wishes and good health to you for the New Year。 I better get to work now. I'll talk to you again soon。 Take good care of yourself. Ben在结尾时,提出一个问题作为下次聊天的话题,同时也很自然地传递了祝福。 2. If you want to talk more about this controversy, let me know。 I look forward to hearing from you again. Take care。 Ben用If you want to talk more aboutlet me know。告诉我如果我还想继续讨论上一次的话题尽管提出来,因为某一个话题可能一次是不够讲的。 3. OK, it's kind of late, so I'll quit for now. I have to go to bed to ensure enough sleep。

I hope to hear from you agan soon. Take care。 BenOK, it's kind of late。我觉得这种结尾方式最简便了,无需更多语言,因为充足的睡眠当然是非常重要的。Kind of 的意思是有一点 4. Well, it's now 1:30 a.m. here, so that means it's 4:30 p.m. in Beijing. I need to go to bed so I will be rested for another day。 Take care! Ben 用相隔遥远的两个地方的时间这么一对比,觉得挺有意思的,反正我自己是很少算得这么准的,只知道我们这儿是白天,美国就是晚上了:) 5. Let me know if you have more questions for better understanding of our humor. I can help you with your training, particularly with the humor. That is something I'm good at。 Take care. Ben我的朋友经常都会很客气地用Let me know if you这样的方式问我是否需要更多的帮助等。我当然是抓住一切机会多提问啦!因为问得越多,从他那儿了解到的东西就越多啦。

6. OK, that's it for the moment. I'll be looking for a message from you tonight, I hope。 Take care!Ben朋友没有直接说I hope you can write to me tonight, 而是很委婉地说I'll be looking for a message from you,这种间接的提出希望和要求的表达方式很新颖哟,还有点不露痕迹的意思!用一下试试看:) 7. Well, since I don't have much to respond to this time, and since I have to get up early in the morning, I'll quit for now. I hope you had a good time with your friend. Talk to you soon. Ben这里用两个since (表原因)来给这封邮件画上句号,很自然也很贴切。 8. OK, that's all for now. I need to get a little sleep before I go to the airport. Talk to you soon。 Ben!这里get a little sleep 用得很好,把sleep 当名词用,而且搭配动词get, 可以丰富我们过去单一的表达,如:I need to sleep for a while. 通过上面的解析和例子,我们就可以看到很多雅思G类小作文的书信写作部分都是有着一定的固定模板的,所以大家只要在写作的过程中掌握的一定的规则之后就可以有很大的发挥余地,写好书信也就不难了。



雅思写作G类小作文备考经验方法和技巧: G类的小作文绝大多数都是以书信形式展开的,这一形式本身决定了它与A类小作文有着很大的区别。但仔细分析一下题目,基本万变不离其宗,下面以剑9的一道题目为例来进行题目分析。 You are working for a company. You need to take some time off work and want to ask your manager about this. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter Explain why you want to take time off work Give details of the amount of time you need Suggest how your work could be covered while you are away 首先,作文题目会给出一个情境,也就是要写这封信的事由和目的。紧接着,题目用小标题的形式给出了三个要求,也就是书信必须要讲清楚的三件事情,告诉大家要写什么。这样清晰的题目提出的方法,给审题降低了很大的难度,也为评分标准之一的“人物完成”减轻了很大的负担,因为大家只要就着这样的要求一一回应就可以,而非像A类图表题一样还要动很大脑筋去想该写什么内容才能最好地回应任务。

一段答一条,就这么简单! 条理清晰的问题提出方法,也为文章的结构指出了一条明路。大家只需要为题目中的目的介绍和三个条目分别安排一段即可。在顺序上,如果有进行自我介绍的要求(如果有,一般出现在三个条目的第一条),就将自我介绍和写信目的写在第一段,将剩下两个条目分别写一段。 信件结构轻松搞定,现在来关心一下格式问题。首先,地址是不需要写。开头称谓顶格写,有时试卷会给出完整的称谓,有时只给出“Dear…”。如果没有给出称谓,我们采取的方案就是以下两种中的一种:根据情境的要求,如果完全不认识收信人,写上“Dear Sir/Madam”;如果认识收信人,就来给收信人编一个名字吧,例如“Dear Jack”“Dear Mr Green”等。注意称谓结束用一个逗号。

主体段的各段都顶格写,每段之间空一行。落款的祝福有很多种写法,通用的方法是“Sincerely yours”顶格写,后面接逗号。而后空一行留下名字,同样,名字也给自己编一个,不要用真名,写个“Mary”啊“Tom”啊都可以。 充分想象,编剧你来当! 具体的内容上,请充分发挥自己的想象力,基于题目中的情形来设计一些细节。 下面拿剑6的一篇考官范文举例,看看好文章是怎样大摆龙门阵的: Dear Mr. Smith, I am your tenant from Flat 3 on Riverside Street. We met each other when I signed the rental agreement in your office. I have lived here for months now and I am writing to complain about some of the furniture. As you may remember, the dining table is in very poor condition and has uneven legs. It also does not match the dining chairs as there are too low to be comfortable for a table of that height. When I first pointed this out to you, you agreed to provide a brand new dining set. However, you have not done so and I would really like to resolve this matter as soon as possible. If it is more convenient for you, perhaps you could simply replace the table by finding one of a suitable height for the chairs. This would solve the problems without too much cost, so I hope you agree to this proposed solution. Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, M.M. Egil 作文解析 正文首段的地址和见面场景,以及第二段中对家具状况的细致说明,都让人感叹,这厮编得跟真的一样呢!仔细分析这是怎么做到的呢?两个字:细节!细节出画面,画面出真实,请大家多多动用生活积累,开动脑筋,设计出合情合理的细节来。



你可以参考这个来练习:写作题目 Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 题目解析 有些人觉得名人让更多人关注社会公益,而其他人觉得社会公益中的名人效应只会让真正的公益被忽略。题目要求分别就这两种观点进行讨论并要给出自己的观点. You should: Introduce both opinions and give your own opinion 分别描述并讨论题中所给观点 Give specific Reason and details of the opinions mentioned above 给出自己的观点并提供论据 Conclude your opinion 重述(总结)自己的观点 雅思写作范文 Introduce both opinions and give your own opinion With the negative influence of famous people's bad behavior exposing to our slight more frequently, plenty of citizens begin to doubt their support towards international aid organizations. However, many people still believe that famous people are helpers rather problem makers. From my point of view, international aid organizations can attract more citizens' attention on problems if celebrities give the right support and set up good images. Give specific Reason and details of the opinions mentioned above It is sensible to argue that international charity groups can take advantage of the publicity of celebrities. With the announcement of high-profile figures, such as famous singers, movie stars and sports professionals, the activities or campaigns of international organisations can be responded immediately, if they are endorsed by celebrities. In the early time of this year, ALS Ice Bucket Challenge spread around the world within a few days by the sharing of many celebrities. Meanwhile, the organisations also received millions of donation by fans as well. Nevertheless, it is an undeniable fact that a small part of celebrities don't gain much popularity or bring any convenience to international aid organizations. Although some celebrities give their support to these organizations outwardly, they don't bring any tangible help. For example, some celebrities lead a luxurious life and never take practical actions to social problems, or even only take advantage of international aid organizations to advocate for themselves. As a result, the public will loose confidence to these organizations, not to mention solving problems. Conclude your opinion To sum up, I believe international aid organizations will receive much more help from celebrities and figure out more problems if celebrities can make the right choices and their celebrity effect is used appropriately.


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