[求一篇100字的英语短文以日常生活内容!](一)My daily life My daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it. Why? Because I intend to be a good student. I wish to render service to...+阅读
My name is xxx.My hobby is playing badminton.Badminton is the fastest sports in the world,it can make us see more quickly.SO it is good for us to play this game.People usually play badminton inside,if it is no wind,they can play it outside.I am xxx's fans,he(she)play badminton well,he(she)won the compitition many times.I want be a badminton player when i am older.
In my opinion, playing badminton is one of the most interesting things. Today, my father asked me and my sister go to play badminton, I jumped with joy.
I took out the rackets and a shuttlecock, competition is about to begin. The game is: who should get a score of eleven, who will win. The first was my sister than. I have my own beat became sufficient strong. My sister started to serve," bang", the ball is coming, I immediately ran, and jumped, with all his strength, the ball with a racket, the ball again and flew past. For a while, my sister did not react, did not catch the ball. " Ha ha" I saw, uproarious. My sister saw me laughing at her, then started to make nothing of what I said:" humph! Hit a disc, you will be big with pride! I haven't lose! More than!" " More than!" I resolute and decisive.
Again the next disk ... ... " Oh! It is too complacent, it really let you win." I regret that. " Hee hee!" My sister said proudly. From the current situation is: 1: 1. I think: I can't die like this play recklessly, I should be able to look younger sister is you have to play. A good play! After a while, I finally understand the younger sister to play badminton "essence", is the first to the left, to the right to attack. Ha-ha. Understand, easier to handle! Hey! I lost so many points! I have to win back! According to my sister play snake snake to attack, as expected, sister also insist on how long, look for to lose so badly. The next opponent as a" veteran", that is my father, his playing technique may be superior, we fight, I had to be eliminated ... ...
Today's" badminton war" in the fun and laughter, end ... ...
在我记忆的长河里,有许多事情已经淡忘了。而第一次打羽毛球的情景却记忆犹新,历历在目。 当看到奥运会场上,羽毛球运动员为我国夺得金牌的时候,我心潮澎湃,决定自己也要学习打羽毛球。 那是在一个夏天,一个星期六的清晨,天气格外好,空气清新,连树上的小鸟也叽叽喳喳欢快地叫着,似乎在说:“你们好,大家早。” 我和妈妈来到广场,已经有许多人早早起来锻炼身体了。我拿着球拍,心里既兴奋又紧张,迫不及待地盼着快些打球。只听妈妈站在我对面很亲切地说:“刚学打球一定要有毅力,不怕失败。”我挥舞着球拍,满不在乎地说:“别门缝里瞧人——把人看扁了。我绝对是好样的。” 妈妈笑着说:“准备好,开始!”话音刚落,球便向我这边飞了过来。
我心里像揣了只兔子似的,砰砰直跳。便也挥舞着球拍冲了上去。可是羽毛球像在和我作对,我的球拍根本没打到它,“真是出师不利”,我暗自嘀咕。我捡起球发球,球拍几次都打空了,真是出尽了洋相。 我像泄了气的皮球,刚才那股劲头早已经飞到九霄云外去了。我神情沮丧,耷拉着脑袋,索性一屁股坐在地上。妈妈看到我有些泄气,便鼓励我说:“失败是成功之母,多练几次就好了。”我学着妈妈的样子,把球抛高,迅速挥动球拍,看准球打过去。“好球!”妈妈轻轻地把球打了过来。我赶紧接球,明明看见球飞过来了,我不是接不住就是把球打偏了。连着几个回合,我都打得很不顺利。我无精打采,垂头丧气,浑身又累又热,胳膊也酸了,直想打退堂鼓。 这时,我的脑海又一次浮现出奥运会场上运动员勇于进取,奋力拼搏的情景和奥运精神。
而我却没有勇于拼搏的精神,真是太不应该了。想到这里,我浑身像增添了无穷的力量。后来我绞尽脑汁冥思苦想,渐渐悟出了打球的技巧。打球时,身体要灵活,敏捷。球向左,我就快速跑向左边接球,球向右,我就快速跑向右边接球。又一个球飞过来,太高了,我急中生智双脚猛地蹬地,身体腾空而起,伸直胳膊,猛挥球拍打过去。有时我向前跑几步接球,有时又向后退一下接球,球在空中来回飞舞。 我越战越勇,妈妈快招架不住了节节败退。“我是兵来将挡,水来土掩”,我开心地说。妈妈赞许地说:“真是青出于蓝而胜于蓝。” 现在打羽毛球已经成了我难以割舍的爱好,它让我强身健体。直到现在我回想起第一次打羽毛球的情景,我心里还充满着喜悦。就是这次打球让我深深地感受到:做什么事情只要动脑筋,有毅力,就能成功。
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