[我的大家庭作文急需]我的大家庭 家,在我的心中是能给人一种温暖的感觉,能让人充满自信,从失败中振作起来。然而在我的心中,家的愿望好像破灭了。温暖和充满自信对于我来说都太陌生了。就在这时,我的...+阅读
Leaving home (?)
The passage tells about how one feels when he or she leaves home for the first time to college.It could be tearful to be independent from parents.
I remenbered what the feeling was when I left home for the first time to high school. Prior to leaving for school, I was delighted because I thought I could get rid of the annoying warnings,the strcit forbiddens and the scolds from my parents.But I was proved to be wrong after a week of school life! Instead of getting the freedom to do whatever I want to do,I failed in washing my cloths,getting up on time and so on.My life was a mess!
Only then did I realize how difficult it was for me to leave home to be independent.I have the strong feeling that home is the place where you can get rid of everything and relax completely.For young teenagers,leaving home may be tearful,but it is a must-majored subject we need to enroll in on our way to mature.
从你的文章可以看出你是一个很喜欢学习英语的人,并且喜欢尝试将自己看到和尝到的好句子,好的用法运用到写作当中。这非常好。但是问题在于你是否可以准确地把握所有的用法?作文写作不同于文学创作,正确的句子和易于读者理解的内容是非常重要的两点。另外,你的文章没有缺少结构和层次,主题是什么?你所叙述的经历和你的主题符合吗?你可以先谈leaving home的好,观点1,2,3.之后再谈leaving home的不好,观点1,2,3.
提问者. 除了拼写和发音以外。 In addition to spelling and pronunciation outside, but I prefer ChineseTo talk about the Chinese and English. 我喜欢英语但我更喜欢汉语;s population。 A teacher told us that British English or American English is not much different, English. 一个老师说过英式英语还是说美式英语没有太大区别, they have much in common. 我也学英语,它们有很多共同之处, including British and American English。 I also study English,英语包括英式和美式英语。 I like English, more than a billion people speak English, in the world, Chinese is my mother tongue, which is one-fifth of the world'
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明年大家有什么要预备的作文题目或是哪些方面的请告诉我大连理工大学在工学类,全国排名第十一位,等级是A+,是个好学校,不知道你的基础怎么样, 英语方面: 一、从思想准备上看考研成功的三个要素: 1) 决心,即坚强的事业心:所谓事业心实际上就...