[跪求以自信为题的作文]自信的人生是永远不会被社会击败的,除了他自己最后精疲力竭,无力拼搏。 自信是人生成功的奠基石,人的成功之路必须踏着自信的石阶步步登高。有了自信,人才能达到自己所期望达到...+阅读
the birthday party My birthday is on 几月几日.I celebrate every year with my family and my friends.Every year ,I hold a little birthday party and invite my friends over.We chat and play a lot of games together.The best part of it is that I love the party cake and the gifts I get from my parents and my friends.I also get some money on my birthday.I can buy what I want with the money.I have great fun on my birthday,but on the other hand,I also understand that I am 1 year older after each birthday.And that means I should be more responsbile for myself and I should also my self-aware.I should be thankful for my parents,I know they have done their best in raising me up. 打了这么半天,追加些分啊!
以 My birthday party为题写一篇60词的英语作文
My birthday was on March 21st this year. I hhad a very interesting birthday party on that day. I invited all my best friends to take part in my birthday party.
I had got many presents that day. One of my best friends—Lily gave me a beautiful doll.It is so lovely. My little sister gave me a big cake.
On my birthday, we played a game called “the cat and the mouse”. The boys were cats, they chased after us. One boy chased after me. I turned left and right. At last, I hide behind a cupboard so he couldn't find me. After the game, we sang songs and ate cake together. The cake was very delicious, I like it very much. I had an unforgettable birthday, it was full of fun.
英语小作文:My birthday party
Last Friday was my birthday. We had a birthday party in school. We held it at the break time. My parents brought me a big birthday cake. I lit the candles and put them on the cake. My classmates sang the birthday song to me. I was so touching at the moment. I made a wish that I can study well and make progress every day. Soon after that, I cut the cake and shared it with my classmates. Although the birthday part lasted for 20 minutes, we all felt happy.
Birthday party的作文该咋写
Today is my birthday, I invited three people to my birthday party - Ann and Ken, Ben. They are very friendly, they are my best friend, my mother bought me a great big cake, this cake is very beautiful, and they very envious of my birthday party. We had a very fun, we still to play computer, singing, dancing, they said to me "happy birthday!" I am moved, this is me the most happy birthday! 今天是我的生日,我邀请了三个人去我的生日派对--安、肯、本.他们非常友好,他们是我最好的朋友,我妈妈给我买了一个很大很大的蛋糕,这个蛋糕还很漂亮,他们非常羡慕我的生日派对.我们玩的非常尽兴,我们还去玩了电脑,唱了歌、跳了舞,他们对我说“生日快乐!”我很感动,这是我过的最快乐的生日!...
明天考试跪求以窗外的世界作文不是写景的!说也奇怪,我的桌子靠近窗户。每当心情不爽或者《嘻哈江湖》(我的第N部小说,以后回放上来的)写不出来时,我都会塞上耳机静静的,听着音乐看着窗外的世界…………. 春天,用黄雅莉的唱...
急!急!急!跪求中考满分作文:励志类情感类我和父亲一起走泥路泥泞留痕,不经历风雨,怎见彩虹? ——题记 人生正是在面对和战胜挫折的过程中成长起来的。在人生路上,留下一步步坚实的脚印,才能体现出人生的价值,这是我和父亲...
跪求以找准自己的位置为话题的作文素材找准自己的位置 雄鹰注定要与蓝天为伴,不能与大地相挨。它虽为猛兽,有着锋利的爪牙,但不能与狮子对抗,它属于天空,只有在天空才找到它生存的位置,才找到它的价值。雄鹰与地面会有...
跪求描写环境和心理活动的文章急!急!急!牵 挂(牵挂) 我喘着粗气,“噔、噔、噔”地跑上六楼,伸出早已握在手中的钥匙,用最快的速度打开了门,一大步跨了进去。“姐,我回来了!” (动作描写)(急于见到姐姐的情状描写的多么真切。)...
急!跪求以我的家为题写一篇作文急600字我的一家共有三口人:爸爸,妈妈和我。我们家里充满着欢乐。 爸爸是个大忙人,总是很晚才回家,星期天爸爸也不能休息,一大早,爸爸就匆匆忙忙的吃完早饭,就去上班了。爸爸在工作上认真...
求以分享为题的作文急急急!!快快快!!多给点分撒! 我天生就是个小气的人,什么东西都不愿与别人分享.因此我没有朋友,我很孤单,我本以为我会一直这样活下去,但直到有一天,一个清纯的小女孩映入我的眼帘------ 不高的个...
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小弟跪求以音乐为话题的作文500字《夜空中流星谱写的一段音符》 夜空中划过的流星,是音乐的音符;停留下的小鸟,是音乐中的钢琴;飞翔中的雄鹰,是音乐中的舞蹈。音乐是生命中的省略句,有无尽的蕴意。 ——前记 十年...