

03月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[开学第一天的日记]今天,风和日丽;今天,阳光灿烂;(呵呵,不好意思,用了丫蛋的一句台词);今天是新学期的第一天。 我怀着愉快的心情,朝着学校去,依然是那条熟悉的小路,路旁的小草居然不怕冷,伸出头来向我致意...+阅读

(1)没写题目 today is the first day of winter holiday , I'am very hapy because I can enjoy myself in the holiday , I can play all the day and night and I can visit my grandparients , and get a lot of money . what a funny holiday . A funny holiday , I can't wait.

(2)It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest. 自己写题目吧,任选一篇...


My summer holiday summer holiday is comming, I have a happy day today. I'm went to park with my mother . some boys were playing basketball and some girls are play in the flowering shrubs. My mother and me both happy . Next, my mother and me went to the zoo .we saw some mokeys,they were very nanghty today I'm very happy首字母大写啊...


One day I happily take in a movie of the road and suddenly see the removal of personal goods, suddenly fell down, I quickly shouted the owner but he seems not to hear, I hurried to catch up with a shout of the owner, Haobu Easy to catch up with the owner, the owner insists on money thank, I obstinately refused him, I did a good thing to have happily riding on the vehicle returned to the cinema, when the driver alighted from since I fare.


寒假的一天的日记100字忙完了一个学期,刚开始停下来还有点不太适应。 在平时工作时,每天都和学生相处在一起,虽然他们也会调皮,也会惹我生气,但离开他们太久,心里还是惦念着他们还在想着他们在来期来时...

放寒假第一天的日记放寒假第一天 “放寒假啦!”这是我考完试后说的第一句话。我相信你们听到放假这一个消息后心情也非常的开心吧? 今天是放寒假的第一天,妈妈答应我考完试以后可以痛痛快快的玩两...

300字的寒假第一天的日记忙完了一个学期,刚开始停下来还有点不太适应。 在平时工作时,每天都和学生相处在一起,虽然他们也会调皮,也会惹我生气,但离开他们太久,心里还是惦念着他们还在想着他们在来期来时...

谁能帮写一篇关于国庆节的一件事的作文500字今天是国庆节,今年的国庆节我做了一件非常有意义的的事——为社区打扫卫生。 一大早,我就叫上一大群好伙伴,带上扫除工具——抹布、扫把、刷子。 我们先来到一单元,我们一番分配...

写一篇关于开学第一天的日记六年级水平开 学 第 一 天 还记得开学的第一天,是一个因为特殊而美好的日子,迎着清爽的晨风,我跨入了那熟悉而又陌生的校园,心中激动万分。 不知不觉,开学已经一周了。第一个感觉是新鲜。校...

校园的一角 300字急啊急啊急啊急啊急啊急啊!快!我喜欢校园里引人注目的花坛。 春天来了 ,校园的花坛里虽然没有开花,但是还可以看见含苞欲放的花苞。这时绿油油的小草已探出了头,微风一吹小草好象摇摆着自己的小脑袋。 到了...

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30个关于放寒假每一天的英语日记It was the first day of our winter holiday.All 这是我们寒假的第一天。 of us were very happy.Why?Because we have one months to do things we 我们非常高兴,为什么?因...
