[初中作文关于雨的感人故事]又下雨了,晓兰不顾一切地跑向雨中,尽情的想受雨浴,她要让这瓢泼大雨洗去她的烦恼,使她忘记伤心的往事。 突然,她的头以来了一片红云,遮住了大雨晓兰一惊抬头一看,原来是叶子,她的好...+阅读
Rain, like 10 million silver. Drizzle quietly quietly float in, like countless Silkworm mother out of silver. 10 million wire, rippling in the air, the long Mimi Qingmiao, throwing Heiyouyou field. Such as silk from the air, landing light rain and no rain is so small, Yulian is so dense, to the mountains covered Chanyi as white. Quick and very small, very sponge, like floating in the spring time Xu. Like fog like rain, like the rain like fog, fishes Lu:lu: Touching constantly. I like the rain 雨,像千万条银丝。 细雨,悄悄无声地飘落着,像是无数蚕娘吐出的银丝。千万条细丝,荡漾在半空中,迷迷漫漫的轻纱,披上了黑油油田野。 如丝的小雨从空中降落,雨点是那样小,雨帘是那样密,给群山披上蝉翼般的白纱。 雨丝很细,很绵,像春天时空飘浮的柳絮。 像雾似的雨,像雨似的雾,丝丝缕缕缠绵不断。
下起雨来叮叮咚咚。 小雨点你落在草地上,让小草变得翠绿,让花儿开放; 你落在荷叶上,把荷叶衬托的多么美丽; 你落在荷花上,把荷花点缀的多么漂亮。 小雨点你的舞姿多么优美,你的身体多么晶莹。 雨过天晴,你变成了雾,化做了一道彩虹。 感谢雨,你滋润了万物 感谢雨,你驱走了我心灵上的干涸 Ding Ding Dong Dong began to rain. Raindrops fall on your lawn, let the grass become green, so that the flowers open; You landed on a lotus leaf, how beautiful the lotus leaf foils; You fall on the lotus on how beautiful the lotus decorative. Raindrops how beautiful your dance, your body how crystal. Once the storm, you become a fog, overtaken by a rainbow. Thank rain, moisture of the things you Thank rain, you drive away my heart's dried up
Little Water Drop takes a trip水循环-小水滴旅行 We all know the rain.However, how can the water become rain? Do you know? Now, let me tell how the water cycles . First, the sun shines and the Little Water Drop in the river becomes vapour.Then, the little water drop goes up.It meets many other little water drops.They go up together and become a cloud.Little Water Drop becomes very heavy.Little Water Drop and some of his friends become the rain and fall down into a river or a lake . Last ,the sun comes out , Little Water Drop goes up again
关于雨的作文 500字夏天的雨 今天,我站在阳台上正吹着风。忽然,几滴雨星滴落在我的头上。还没等我缓过神来,倾盆大雨已经疯狂地下了起来。我一下子措手不及,衣服都快被雨淋湿了,急忙跑进屋内。真怪...
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关于雨的作文 500雨 入 诗 词 古诗词若是那树,雨水便是树的甘源。我们赏析诗词,雨水是值得玩味的。那些雨水酝酿的甘霖,听得见、看得到。悲中有雨、喜中有雨,得亦降雨、失亦落雨,暖有雨、寒有雨,爱...
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关于雨的600字中学作文春天的雨: 1 听,那淅沥淅沥的响声,听那噼噼啪啪的撞击声.这就是我们所熟悉的春雨所演奏的交响乐.春雨,给予了我们勃勃朝气,它给予了世界以活力. 春雨,滋润着大地,大地吮吸着春雨....
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