山寨文化有利于促进社会进步。虽然它也有明显的缺点和问题,但相对其积极价值,山寨文化的存在,我们目前的社会是利多于弊。 (PS:山寨文化产品是没有的)
Please don't want to be extremely bossy on my head-small grass Yours faithfully,
2 invite you you to round, the grass gives a smile to you
3 one grass a wood is all a life, don't trampling not to take off is self-respect
Show consideration a flower from the joss-stick on 4 hands, the foot keeps in mind grass,such as bacterium,
5 a stub of the yous small seedling is the one green shade of future perhaps
6 green 芳 grasses, how endure to trample
7 pick up garbage, leave civilization
The cleanness of 8 campuses, you my civilization
9 small grasses contain life, the foot has deep feeling
10 greens-the United States of the abyss of time, school-lasting house
11 green small grasses, the hand and foot contain feeling, walking to lawn, the brain thinks to be pure
12 arrive this to swim, the garbage doesn't stay
13 benevolences a point, green lawn one.The small grass contain boon, is the person's ability heartless?
14 you show consideration to my foot, I dedicate up the green shade for you
15 little footprint, several green
16 the small grasses are green, stepping its to endure
17 hold a heart, don't take a half root grass to go to
18 one grasses are one woods, needing you to protect!
19 environments are my houses, the environmental protection depends everyone
20 environmental protections, the everyone has a responsibility!
21 speak health honour, don't speak hygiene shameful!
22 take good care of green home, create a health life!
23 on spending one heaven, one grass one world
Shanzhai subculture (山寨文化) took China by storm in 2007-2008, when mainstream entertainment networks start featuring celebrity lookalikes who advertise themselves "shanzhai versions" of celebrities, and when internet memes feature busy commercial districts stocked with (sometimes quite excellent in quality) shanzhai goods and occupied by stores with names and logos that are downright parodies of world-famous franchises like McDonald's, Rolex, Nike, etc. Even the Beijing Olympics "Bird's Nest" found its bamboo-framed shanzhai version among the most distributed Chinese internet memes, often rated highest on the "thunder-delivering index" (shocking level)(Chinese:雷倒).However, similar counterfeiting subcultures are not confined to China. Youtube memes that pose as coming feature film trailers, but are in fact a montage of past films could come from any part of the world, and would fit squarely into the definition of shanzhai.
我对“山寨”的看法 在网络的助推下,“山寨”俨然成了当下一个社会流行语。它发端于“山寨手机”,后来出现所谓“山寨版刘翔”、“山寨版周杰伦”,现在又出现了“山寨版春晚”、“山寨版百家讲坛”等,于是也就有了“山寨文化”一说。 “山寨文化”的情况比较复杂,其中既有自娱自乐型的,也有商业型的。如果不违反法律,不违背社 会公德,不以营利为目的,我们只能允许它们存在。 但是,“山寨文化”毕竟是一种以模仿为核心内涵的现象,既然是模仿,在一定程度上就是对知识产权的侵犯,只不过换了一种表现形式。以前在图书市场上出现的“全庸著”、“古龙新著”,放在今天不也可以叫“山寨版”吗?其实还是在利用原作者的名气吸引眼球。只是因为目前相关的法规还不够完善,对有些责任还比较难追究。
有人说应当鼓励“山寨文化”,认为“山寨”本身也是创新,我看不然。对“山寨文化”的存在应该理解,一定程度上可以允许,但不能提倡。对它的存在和流行,还是应该保持一定的警惕。否则谁来搞创新? 创新一方面来自于人的天性,一方面来自社会环境。从人的天性来说,创新意味着巨大的成本,物质成本、时间成本、精力成本,等等。而且还有风险,失败的风险。“山寨”则是投机取巧,成本低,风险小。人大多有惰性,都愿意走捷径。如果我们对“山寨”过于宽容,如果我们的社会成了“山寨文化”生长繁荣的土壤,那么创新文化就更难生长了。...
写一篇读书心得 400字。六年级文化。《朝花夕拾》 回到家,从书架里拿出从未看过一眼的的《朝花夕拾》,对着那个书名发呆。这本书是鲁迅先生晚年的作品,而这部散文集中所写的,又全是先生幼年时期的事情。幼年的事情...
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