[跪求一篇英语作文题目是我的教室 my classroom要一篇只]My classroom is very nice . There are forty desks and chairs in the classroom. There are two black boards on the walls. And there are two pictures, too. My clas...+阅读
The school is my everybody, two year "1" the class is my small home. I am happy to learn and play in a small home, but also made many good friends. As you enter the classroom, you can feel this is a warm, quiet little home.. In front of the classroom is a large rectangular blackboard, usually the teacher taught us a variety of knowledge in the above. There is a corner of the left corner of the blackboard, where we share knowledge.. A blackboard, classroom learning and honor roll. The blackboard newspaper shows the rich knowledge, there are jokes, famous sayings and proverbs. Learning garden shows a variety of outstanding work. The glorious list of the results of the students efforts. There are four blue and transparent windows in the left and right sides of the classroom.. Usually, we have a wind shelter.. The Chinese lunar new year when we cut all kinds of beautiful window, they will look more beautiful. The classroom is white ceiling. Four electric fans and six lamps were installed on the ceiling.. When the lights bring us light, the fans bring us cool when we heat.. So we are very grateful to them.. Below the classroom is the cement shop floor, at ordinary times, we clean it clean, so that we can clean the classroom in the game. After listening to my introduction, you are not also think of my little house to play?
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