[怎么写科技小论文]格式如下 1.题目 2.内容摘要 3.关键词 4.作者名字,地址,邮政编码 5.正文 6.参考文献 7.其他 青少年科技活动充满趣味性、探索性、好奇性和创造性,积极开展科技活动是贯彻实施以...+阅读
When my father was young, he practiced Chinese calligraphy every day and enjoyed Peking Opera with my grandfather on weekends. Now as his daughter, I type in English when communicating with my friends and enjoy surfing on the Internet during holidays. When I enjoy the pleasure and convenience that new technologies have brought me, some people cry out that as technology develops traditional cultures must be lost. Is it true that we cannot have both? Different as my lifestyle is from that of my father, I still believe that the development of technology won't lead to the loss of tradition. On the contrary, it will facilitate the development of traditional cultures. Some people draw the conclusion that technology leads to the loss of tradition because they find nowadays many people,especially the young, take interest in new things like the Internet, thus make less contact with traditional cultures. However,decreased popularity isn't equal to loss. With the development of technology, we have more choices of arts and entertainments. In other words, many new forms of culture are coming into existence, which provide people with more choices rather than threaten the existence of the traditional ones. In actuality, if we look at the tradition itself, we can find that great achievements have been made in many fields with the development of technology.New operas are on show; new researches about history are going on; new facts about historical cities have been found; all of which can prove that technology can stay peacefully with traditions. In fact, technology works far beyond that. The development of technology boosts that of the tradition. On one hand,new technologies make the research for traditional cultures possible as well as provide advanced techniques of reserving historic masterpieces. Take calligraphy as an example, new ways of illumination, which is the fruit of Hi-tech, can prevent the color of scripts from fading. On the other hand, the rapidly developing media such as the Internet and communication satellite provide traditional cultures with a stage to face the whole world. As we can see, after the short piece of ad of Shanghai Expo. , more people will know the beautiful melody of "Jasmine." In addition, if we look back to history, we can find out that it was always in the era when economy developed greatly that cultures prospered the most. No doubt that the development of technology can guarantee that of economy, which eventually influences the prosperity of culture. As we all see, the development of technology brings us richness, making the research and development of cultures affordable brings us more leisure time, making our desire to enjoy ntertainments possible. After all, as the great philosopher Marx aid, "economy determine
《美国工程索引》(The Engineering Index)是世界最有名也是最大的检索刊物之一。每月出版一期月刊,报导世界工程文献文摘一万三千至一万四千条,每期有刊附的主题索引与作者索引,每年还另出版年卷本和年度素引,年度索引还增加了作者单位索引,出版形式有印刷版(期刊形式),电子版(磁带)及缩微胶片,曾出版过检索卡片,已于75年停止发行。
文摘的种类(Type of Abstracts)
信息性文摘(Information Abstracts)一般包括了原始文献某些重要内容的梗概,主要由以下三部分组成:
指示性文摘(Indicated Abstracts)仅指出文献的综合内容,适用于综述性文献,图书说明及编辑加工过的专著等。综述性文献最常见的如某技术在某时期的综合发展情况;或某技术在目前的发展水平,及未来展望等。总之这种文献是综述情况而不是某个技术工艺,某产品,或某设备的研究过程。
p.s. 你可以去知网下一篇tsing hua的优秀dissertation看看,模仿着来。
第1章 关于科技论文 1.1 正确看待科技论文的撰写和发表 1.2 正确处理做实验与写论文的关系 1.3 什么是科技论文 1.4 科技论文的新形式 1.5 科技论文的写作特点 1.6 科技论文的一般格式 参考文献 第2章 标题(Title)的撰写 2.1 标题中字母大写格式 2.2 题要对文 2.3 标题要简明 2.4 标题中的缩写和化学式 2.5 标题中应含有关键词 2.6 副标题(Subtitle) 2.7 标题的结构 2.8 页眉标题(Running Title或Title Running Head) 2.9 层次标题 参考文献 第3章 作者署名(Authors)与单位(Affiliation)的撰写 3.1第一作者 3.2 通讯作者 3.3 作者单位 参考文献 第4章 摘要(Abstract)和关键词(Keywords)的撰写 4.1 摘要的写作原则 4.2 英文摘要的时态 4.3 英文摘要的语态 4.4 关键词 参考文献 第5章 引言(Introduction)的撰写 5.1 研究领域的背景说明 5.2 相关文献的总结 5.3 指出问题所在 5.4 简述论文工作 5.5 引言实例 参考文献 第6章 实验部分(Experimental Section)的撰写 6.1 写作技巧 6.2 结构 6.3 实验部分实例 参考文献 第7章 结果与讨论(Results and Discussion)的撰写 7.1 写作技巧 7.1.1 结果部分的写法 7.1.2 讨论部分的写法 7.1.3 结果与讨论合并写 7.1.4 结果与讨论分开写 7.2 结果与讨论实例 参考文献 第8章 结论(Conclusion)的撰写 参考文献 第9章 致谢(Acknowledgment)的撰写 参考文献 第10章 参考文献(References)的撰写 第11章 插图(Illustrations)的绘制 第12章 表格(Tables)的设计 第13章 科技论文写作中常用的单词、短语和句子 第14章 科技论文实例分析 参考文献 致谢
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